Hogwarts_Elite Application

May 21, 2011 16:56

01. Name: Meha
02. How did you find out about Hogwarts Elite? I Googled ‘Harry Potter LiveJournal’ to see if there were any HP communities.
03. What made you start reading the Harry Potter series? The idea of magic was enticing. Also, one of my friends described the series to me as funny and interesting. When I saw the cover of the book he was reading, the picture of Harry on a broomstick sold the idea to six-year-old me. I read the first book in a day.


04. What do you wish to accomplish in life?
That’s slightly personal, but:

a. I’d really like to do something in the medical field, working towards curing cancer (breast and cervical cancer especially, due to my grandmother and aunt). I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and feel as if I’m making a difference and that I’ve helped save someone’s life.

b. At some point, I’d like to have the guts to maybe find someone who loves me for who I am. Someone who understands my insecurites and everything I’ve faced. I’d like to be able to rediscover the ability to trust, and find someone who motivates me to let them in. This may not seem like a big accomplishment, but to me, it is. I’m not someone that used to have issues with trust, but I was broken. When I see my friends with their significant others, I frown, I don’t smile. It’s not because I don’t approve, it’s because I’m so disappointed in myself; why is it that they can open up and let people in? I’d like to break down my walls.

05. Describe exactly what you would see in the Mirror of Erised. (This is not the same question as #04.)
I’d see the boy I’ve been in love with since I was six years old, and a baby cousin. I’m not boy-crazy, nor am I someone who makes my life revolve around one person in particular. But when someone is important to you, and what you’ve always wanted has been just barely out of your reach for ten years, it becomes your deepest desire. The Mirror of Erised is supposed to show you at your happiest. Me at my happiest involves this person. A mind free of doubt, of what ifs. As to the baby cousin, my aunt has had trouble conceiving and it’s something that the family wants; needs. For someone so wonderful with children to not be able to have any, my aunt is especially brave. Unfortunately, her situation does make me lose a little bit of faith in the world, and so I’d love for her to have what she really wanted; it would make me happy, too.

06. What makes a person deserving of your respect?
Someone who has a solid viewpoint. No matter who you’re around, your viewpoint should not change. Your thoughts and opinions on things are your own, and no matter what, you should not apologize for them. Someone who stands their ground, even when they’re set apart from everyone else is someone who earns my respect. They also need to be understanding and kind. If someone embarasses themselves in public or a friend makes a life-changing mistake, it’s important to be supportive and helpful. Friendly and kind. No matter what, someone who wants to earn my respect has to be a decent human being.

07. Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower? Please provide examples if applicable.
I’d consider myself a leader. My freshman year of high school, my friends and I joined a new club, National Forensics League. It was so interesting to me that I just started investing more and more time and energy and I came up with a lot of the arguments for that year; I was appointed vice-president of the club for the next year. I’m someone who follows through with what I say, and I’m confident enough in what I’m doing that people trust in me. Also, I’m flexible enough to know when someone is right; being a leader doesn’t mean always having the spotlight. It also means encouraging others and recognizing what is right for the group as a whole.

08. What would you do if you had a time turner?
I would go back in time and reveal that I was from the future (;
No, actually, I’d probably go back to the Vietnam War era and wander around a politically active school like UC Berkeley or UW-Madison and take part in the action. History interests me, and I’ve often thought that I was born in the wrong era. However, a time turner would mean a lot of power, and I recognize that even though I would have (hypothetically) been given that power, I couldn’t use if for ANYTHING that I wanted.

09. What do you think are your top five positive characteristics?

01. My energy. I am constantly thinking; my mind does not stop running, and I’m always waiting to just do something new.

02. Loyalty. One of the things that people have told me is that I’m loyal. If I truly consider you my friend, no matter what it is you’ve done, I will be there for you.

03. Hardworking. I put my all into any- and every- thing that I do. At times, I can get a little lazy, but I go crazy if I’m not being productive for long stretches of time (for me, that’s about a day and a half). I work well under pressure and I’m efficient.

04. I love to learn. I pick up things from all sorts of books that I read, and I’m constantly paying attention to the things around me. Most of the time, in school, I do well simply because I’m learning new things.

05. I’m persistent. When I was younger, I used to give up easily, but eventually I realized that if you try for something hard enough, if you’re desperate enough, if you want it really, really badly, it’ll happen. But, you have to MAKE it happen. I’ve long since learnt that you have to make things come to you, and I try and embody that in most of my actions.

10. What do you think are your top five negative characteristics?
01. When I drink coffee, I am of no use to anyone. I have a caffeine allergy, so I get really bad headaches, nausea, I lose focus, and basically I feel like crawling under a rock and dying.

02. I am a very blunt, honest person. I do have a mental filter, but oftentimes, it shuts off, or, more often, I don’t realize that something I say can hurt someone. I try to stick to safe topics, but when I get fired up (like when we’re talking about politics) I can say a little too much.

03. Easily distracted. Bright, shiny things, new books, my father dangling car keys in my face, all just a few of the list. I go by “work hard, play hard.” When I’m working, I work, but when I get ready to stop working, I play hard.

04. I am really emotional. Many times in the past, when people have said something to me, I take it personally. It may not be meant that way, but I take it that way. I cry in a lot of movies, I cry when I read books, sometimes I’ll listen to a song and it will make me feel nostalgic and I will feel depressed. I’ve gotten better at keeping my emotions in check lately, but I still act like a crazy person sometimes.

05. I can be egotistic. I like to be good at everything I do, and when I find out I’m not I go and sit in a corner and I brood. Eventually, I either get over it or try to overcome it and actually BE good. It takes a while, but I always reach a conclusion.


11. Who is your favorite character in the Harry Potter series?
Draco Malfoy. Of all the characters we’ve seen, Draco is constantly changing. He starts out as this full-of-himself eleven-year-old who has grown up thinking he’s something great. Obviously, he expects Harry Potter (clearly someone who he looked up to) to become his friend. When this doesn’t happen, Draco learns a very important lesson: sometimes, people won’t like you. As an immature eleven-year-old, he acts the only way he knows how: pretend Harry is nothing great, and that makes the blow bearable. As the series goes on, we see Draco become a man, like Harry. Unlike Harry, though, Draco makes different choices because of his situation. While everyone thinks that Harry is under so much pressure to fight Voldemort, Draco is also under pressure (though not as much). As is evident by his reluctance to kill Dumbledore in HBP and confirm the identity of Harry, Ron, and Hermione in DH, he doesn’t seem to be completely on the side of Voldemort. In the Epilogue, he’s shown to be at Hogwarts, with his wife and son. He’s grown as a person and even though people don’t like him much, he still had the courage to send his son to Scorpius and to show up at 9 and ¾. Also, he’s shown to have at least a grudging respect for Harry and Ron. He’s my favorite character because he shows that even the worst of people, those you hate the most, can become someone to look up to. As a sixteen-year-old facing Voldemort, he is second only to Harry in my list of Most Courageous. Anyone else in his place would have crumbled.

12. Who is your least favorite character in the series?
Fenrir Greyback. As stupid as it sounds, at least Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange had their reasons. Voldemort was hurt by his father leaving his mother, something that could have sparked the anti-Muggle in him. Bellatrix, to an extent, idolizes Voldemort and does everything to please him. Greyback, on the other hand, bites people for the fun of it, for petty reasons, even when he is not a werewolf. He is disgusting filch. I’m sorry I don’t have a better answer for this, but Fenrir Greyback is my final answer. I’d love to expand, but I doubt ranting and cursing are looked favorable upon.

13. If you could spend a day as one of the Harry Potter characters, who would you choose?
Luna Lovegood. She has such a different way of looking at things. Besides, it would be more entertaining to watch the main four than be one of the main four. Ron and Hermione are always bickering, Harry has a weight on his chest, constantly, and Ginny always has some romantic entanglement to deal with. Luna and her Crumple-Horned Snorkacks are the way to go. Luna, fundamentally, is on a different wavelength than everyone else. She’s not hindered by societal pressures. She sings to her own tune; she does what she wants to do. Luna would never compromise herself to fit in with the crowd, and that’s something that I really admire. She’s also strong, funny, quirky, and cute, and as far as Harry Potter characters go, I could do a lot worse than to be Luna Lovegood for a day, but I could definitely do no better.

14. What is something you would change about the series?
The epilogue. There is absolutely no excuse for Hermione naming her son Hugo. Even ‘Hugh’ would have been exponentially better. J.K. Rowling put the barest minimum of information into that epilogue, and even though I appreciate that she tried to convey Harry’s feelings about Slytherin and all the prejudice and such, I do believe that she should have written something lighthearted and fun, like a family dinner, not another chapter explaining morals. For seven books, eight moves, and ten years, we’ve been learning about the moral intricacies of life and its shades of grey. Just once, a fun, lighthearted family story would have been fun to read.

15. Relate each house to a different fictional or historical figure, not from Harry Potter, and explain how they exemplify the traits of that house.

• Gryffindor: Katniss Everdeen. This is a girl who is courageous and brave. She is deeply loyal and would do anything for her family, especially her sister. Flawed in many places, she likes to take things on by herself, and, to a certain extent, has a hero complex. As far as possible, she would rather put herself in danger than anyone else, even though that may not be in the best interests of everyone. She is decidedly stubborn; she very rarely listens to what anyone else has to say, but she IS known to accept when she is wrong and accept help at times. Her sense of right and wrong is slightly skewed, but more often than not, she does the right thing. Katniss is someone who I can see as a Gryffindor, because, like Harry, she won’t discriminate against someone due to something they cannot control. Regardless of what people do to her, she is reluctant to let anyone get hurt or die if she can help it. She’s not the best in school and education and such, but she has street smarts and she uses them.

• Slytherin: Holden Caulfield. Maybe if he weren’t so apathetic, he’d be a really good Slytherin. He’s good at lying; he’s said himself that once he starts, he can go on for hours and no one is any wiser. He’s also manipulative, something that is seen throughout the Catcher in the Rye, such as when he convinces the blonde girl in the Lavender Room to keep dancing with him, as well as when he successfully gets someone to “procure” a prostitute for him. While he doesn’t have the same moral scale as most Slytherins, he does tend to be very close-minded, much like many Slytherin characters previously seen. He’s very quick to judge, often naming people “phony”, and only has a small handful of people that he can truly stand to be around. To a certain extent, he does believe that he is better than some, as seen in his interactions with Ackley.

• Ravenclaw: Lexie Grey. She’s smart, hardworking, and has a photographic memory. Besides being dedicated, she is a leader and someone that people look up to and count on. As she spends more time working in the hospital, she becomes more respected. While her older sister Meredith is universally liked, Lexie doesn’t lean on her very much and is out to make her own identity. She is kind and caring, and she is also headstrong and extremely invested in anything she does.

• Hufflepuff: Phil Dunphy. The fun dad from Modern Family, Phil embodies most, if not all, of the characteristics of a Hufflepuff. He is fair and just, often giving the benefit of the doubt to his son, Luke. He does not favor any of his children, he is equally kind to Cameron and Mitchell, and has never spoken up against anybody else’s personal views. In his own, twisted way, Phil goes to hell and back for his family, even going so far as to try to ride a tandem bike with his wife so that they won’t miss their daughter’s middle school graduation. He is shown to love his family very much, and even though he doesn’t hide his opinion of Claire (that she can be high-strung) he has no qualms about showing how much he loves her. Also, he considers himself a friend of Jay, and, in one instance, when Jay is shown to be tearing up on Mother’s Day, Phil doesn’t laugh. Instead, he comforts him and says it’s okay to cry. He reminds me of a slightly sillier, male version of Tonks.

16. Describe the canon house qualities that you feel accurately reflect you. Please try to include traits from each of the four houses.

• Gryffindor: I’m stubborn and pigheaded and I don’t like to involve people in my problems. If it’s something risky, and I know it might be harmful to me, I do it anyways, and I am extremely loyal. Very rarely will I give up on a friend when they need me, and even if its something that I shouldn’t be doing, I’ll do it because I have no other option and I want to help my friend. I’m one of the first people to try something new, and while I’m scared of the unknown, I hate being weak so I try to face my fears all the time. I go out of my way to make people feel better and give people pep talks, and I try to hide my fear inside. I think of myself as a leader, and I’d like to think other people do, too.

• Slytherin: I have absolutely no qualms about manipulating people to do something if its what I feel is right. Sometimes, my personal biases get in the way of my judgement, and so I make decisions that I’m not proud of. I’ve been told that I’m cunning and that, at times, I can block out my conscience and be harsh, something that I feel accurately describes a Slytherin. More often than not, I’ll blackmail a friend or a cousin to do something that eventually pays off for them beneficially. Until it does, though, they hate me.

• Ravenclaw: I am dedicated and hardworking. I don’t love school, but I excel at it, and I devour books. I hated John Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’, but I loved the Grapes of Wrath. I often have my own opinions on things, and I enjoy discussing things with my teachers, especially involving history and classic books. My weakness is Chemistry, and it’s my lowest grade, but I work hardest at it. I try and tackle my problems, and I’m reluctant to outright break the rules, but if its necessary, I do what needs to be done.

• Hufflepuff: When I meet new people, I am shy and meek. I tend to be closed off and quiet until I get comfortable. In cases such as these, I don’t start fights, don’t state my opinion, and just watch. I’ve learnt that being a spectator and blending into the background is just as useful as being a fighter, or a prominent person in the spotlight. I’m known as someone who is nice to almost everyone (there are some very specific people who get on my nerves a little too much), and when I’m asked for advice, I give it even if I know it won’t be taken well. I try to be as fair as possible, but like I said before, sometimes my personal biases get in the way.

17. Which house do you feel the least affinity towards?
Hufflepuff. I have absolutely nothing against being nice to people, it’s something that I can do and do well. However, rather than being known mainly for my attitude towards people, I’d like to be known for being someone that people can look up to or ask for help on things. As a Hufflepuff, I feel that I’d have to be someone that follows the pack and swallows her pride and that is not something that I feel comfortable doing.


18. Age: Sixteen

19. Optional: Link us to where you have promoted this community in your personal journal to earn your future house five points.

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