Sep 20, 2009 01:56
Can't you for one minute pretend like you understand?
I know it's hard to keep pace...
the rushing heart
the I-love-you-without-exception
the throwing-myself-in-the-way.
But can't you overlook the neediness
and see what I bring to the table?
A heart
a desire
of the extraordinary kind?
Haven't I proven myself already?
Committed to your pleasure
all about your embrace?
I know that sometimes it's hard to admit
some people love without restriction.
But can't you be the mature one for once?
"It will be okay"
[because ultimately, it will]
"I will always love you"
[because you will]
say the pure things
that are not affected by my actions?
I love you so much
it's hard to reconcile
your judgmental nature
with my
needy heart.