Hi everyone!
I found the password to this account so I thought I would update this journal and update my life since my last entry. So I have a blog that I've been using for almost 5 years now and it is a fashion and beauty blog. I update it regularly and just got done blogging everyday in December. You can see that and me regularly over there.
The link for that is
fashionxfairytale I also started youtube if you want to actualy meet me in person and wonderred what I sound like than that is on my channel. If you head over why don'tyou subscribe while you are there too!
My latest video is a look book on all my festive and holiday looks I wore in December and my Chrsitmas outfit so you can watch that below. I'm really proud of it and love my editing so please check it out.
Click to view
I guess that is it. I maybe be back using this a litl more as a more lifestyle journal type of feel since I used to love this so much. Make sure to keep updated with me on that and I hope you had a great holiday season.