friending meme
This is a chance for me to get back in touch with my friends list and meet new friends! The years is changing and I feel I want to change for the good. So, paste away and tell me your thoughts...
Copy then paste the following code into a new comment. ♥
We all have someone that’s perfect for us. It’s just that, some of us haven’t met them yet.Name: Age: Location: Nothing is forever. Forever is a lie. All we have is what’s between hello and goodbye.Fandoms: Music Interests: Favorite Movie(s):Favorite Celebrities: Ships:Hobbies and Activities: No one is perfect until you fall in love with them.What did you regret doing in 2010? What are you looking forward to changing in 2011? What's the most played song you listened to in 2010? What was your favorite movie of 2010?What do you look for in an LJ friend? Anything else? Please support this meme to help make it successful: ♥" _fcksavedurl="">" _fcksavedurl="">A multi-fandom friending meme.