Apr 19, 2004 08:48
Last night I was missing my baby so badly...I swear that I see her face everywhere I turn. She has brought so much light to my life. Thank you.
Silent Tear
For a girl named Kris, a silent tear creeps out from lonely eyes
Screaming down my cheek, I can see nothing but her face
Her face in the trees, the wind, the music, the roaring seas
I know what it is that I aim for
My arrow straight and fast
Flies freely towards her heart
The target worth sacrificing all for
I will sacrifice all for that one single thing
A mirage in the desert of my life she makes everything good grow
She is the water that quenches my thirst
Yet I can never take my fill from her
I want to take all she is and make it mine
But I want to give her all of me
The unexplored regions of my heart and soul
I want to be conquered by her love
I give myself to it following wherever it will lead me
A silent tear creeps out from lonely eyes
...For a girl named Kris