One of the cons of having housemates is the housecleaning session. Yes, they all pay rent and the utilities on time but I've noticed that there should also be time spent for mop, scrub or broom-bonding activities.
I can be their domesticated volunteer househelp for house cleaning but all I ask is for all of us to have bathroom-cleaning shifts. After all, I am NOT their dorm landlady and this is not a serviced apartment.
Busy? Well, we all are.
So I posted a cleaning shift with our names and our designated bathroom cleaning week schedule.We all use the bathroom and I'm getting tired of scrubbing for other people's personal mess.
It didn't take long--just one round of cleaning religiously--to have the scheduled ignored, or rather put off until the one next in line has the "time" for it.
Two weeks and the bathroom was begging for a drop of zonrox. The albatross deodorizer I put was now smaller than half of a mothball. The trash was almost filled to the brim.
Luckily, my parents arrived for our Family Day held at Star City (details on the next entry...pag di ako tinamad magsulat). Upon seeing what pigpen our bathroom has become, my neat-freak mother started scrubbing the tiles and cleaning the bathroom as part of her morning exercise and voila! It was sparkling clean again when I woke up. Like, surprise!! (you pigs).
Finally it was already clean, a few days after housemate A said she will clean the bathroom soon, when she has the time.
I didn't really intend to have my mom takeover of what should have been part of our household responsibilities (although I am grateful for it, it really looks clean hehe). I can't stand sitting (stand sitting, hehe) on a disgusting throne either but I was hoping those assignments will be duly complied by one of the persons I co-habitate with.
Anyway, her response to my text saying that I, okay "we" took care of it and that I'll chalk it to my sched of cleaning, and that she should just see to it that she will not miss her routine next time, was that the one who would clean before her (meaning, ME) should also see to it that it was really cleaned (like toilet at present) before she renders her service. I retaliated by saying it wasn't cleaned for 2 weeks now of course it will look more disgusting as ever. And even if I wasn't able to make it 100% germ free, it didn't give her an excuse not to clean it when it's her turn already. Anyway, enough about this. I've been talking about toilets since the previous entry. I'm out of toilet humor.