P&P Round Up for the Week of Aug. 31st - Sept. 6th

Sep 09, 2008 18:47

See! I told you I'd do better next time. This one's only a *couple* days late!

+ "A Breath of One's Own", by babydykecate, Angela/Temperance, PG

+ WiP - "Questions" Chapters - 15A, 15B, 15C, 15D, by sinjenkai, Calleigh/Natalia, NC-17 (Miami)
+ WiP - "Love Ain't Nothin'..", 11/?, by smartyshortie, Catherine/Sara, PG-13
+ WiP - "Extended Family" 13-16/?, by littlesolo24, Sara/Sofia, R
+ WiP - "Maneater" 8/?, by smartyshortie, Catherine/Sara, PG-13
+ "Single Cell Serendipity", by smartyshortie, Sofia/Casey, PG-13 (crossover with SVU)

Devil Wears Prada
+ WiP - "No Matter The Miles" 6/?, by grdnofevrythng, Andy/Miranda, PG-13
+ "Floral Wallpaper and Threadbare Quilts", by grdnofevrythng, Andy/Miranda, NC-17
+ WiP - "Hijink" 5/?, by grdnofevrythng, Andy/Miranda, 99/Max, 99/Miranda, PG-13 (crossover with Get Smart)

Grey's Anatomy
+ "Naked" , by doesnt-go-away, Cristina/Izzie, R

+ "Take These Chances To Turn It Around", by sinandmisery, Cameron/Thirteen, PG
+ "Come Away With Me" , by babydykecate, Cameron/Thirteen, PG-13
+ Fanmix - "Destroy Everything You Touch" , by babydykecate, Amber/Thirteen
+ Banners & Icons, by babydykecate

Law & Order
+ WiP - "All That's Left You" Chapters - One, Two, by subtextgirl, Alex/Olivia, PG (SVU)
+ WiP - "Persistence" Chapters - One, Two, Three, Four, by heathers, Alex/Olivia, Olivia/Lilly, R (SVU crossover with Cold Case)
+ "The Kid Question", by smartyshortie, Alex/Olivia, PG-13

Los Hombres de Paco
+ Fanvid - "Colourblind", by random-flores, Pepa/Sylvia, PG-13

+ "In Search of a Writer", by darandkerry
+ Girls With Guns - Suggestions For Icons, by the-hero-factor
+ 20 Multifandom Banners, by palex-4-ever
+ Fic Recs, by twtd

Nikki & Nora
+ WiP - "Trial by Fire" 11/?, by inspectorboxer, Nikki/Nora

Sarah Connor
+ "Like A Machine", by pew-pew-pew, Sarah/Cameron, NC-17

Star Trek
+ WiP - "The Phantom's Doing" Chapters - 4.1, 4.2, by theflyingshadow, Janeway/Seven, R (Voyager)

+ WiP - "The Edge" 12/?, by fembuck, Alice/Bella, PG

Women's Murder Club
+ "Little Jimmy", by wingsfan, Lindsay/Jill, PG-13
+ "Start of Something New", by libmix, Lindsay/Cindy
+ WiP - "The Other Bowling Girl" 4/?, by theholyinnocent, Lindsay/Jill, PG
+ Virtual Season Teaser, by inspectorboxer
+ Virtual Season Interview, by gbeck
+ Women's Murder Club Between The Seasons, by ralst
+ Icons, by steppenwolf-20, Lindsay/Cindy

+ "Playing With Your Food", by androbard1364, Gabrielle/Callisto


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