Fic: Feeling Alive (Lost)

Jul 19, 2008 12:48

Title: Feeling Alive
Fandom: Lost
Pairing: Shannon/Kate
Rating: PG-13, I guess (hints of sex, but nothing explicit)
Prompt: Written for l_amero, who prompted with “secretly meeting at the caves”
Word count: 1,886
Disclaimer: Alas, characters aren’t mine.
Summary: “Kate feels like she shouldn’t trust Shannon’s motives, but can’t quite articulate a good reason not to.”
A/N: Well, a new pairing for me! Let’s see how it goes...
A/N2: Takes place during 1x08 (“House of the Rising Sun”), but I’ve elongated the time between when Jack starts thinking about setting up camp at the caves and when he actually does so. And thanks so much to theagonyofblank for the beta read!

( Kate's never been one to waste opportunities )

fic, lost

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