Mar 24, 2008 04:10
As a mediocre writer with delusions of grandeur I'm always searching for ways of improving my skills and fixing the flaws that irritate me about my own writing. Having spoken to a number of other writers, I know that many other people share my need to expand my writing horizons (and the people I asked were good). So, we're thinking of having a 'Challenge Yourself to Write Better' type of thing on the community, where you can sign up for help with whatever particular aspect of your writing you're having trouble with (action and description are two of my worst areas).
This will be open to all writers, whether they're published professionals or tentative newbies, basically anyone who cares enough about their writing to want to do better (there's always something that needs improving, no matter who you are).
So, basically, I'm just doing a pre-interest poll to see who'd be up for the challenge? Which won't be for a few weeks.
Poll Interest Post