Desperate for Heroes!!

Mar 17, 2008 15:59

Okay, so I've just recently gotten into Heroes fic, specifically the Elle/Claire pairing and I think they're my new fave. I've read a lot of really great fic, but I haven't been able to find anything new or current. I was desperately hoping someone would want to maybe write an Elle/Claire fic for me. Something kind of smutty, kind of fluffy, but not too short, ya know, that sort of thing. There are just so many possibilities with these two. I would write something myself but my muse is being quite stubborn at the moment and won't let me write anything but Camerah and Cameron/Thirteen fics, so... if anyone wants to take on this task, please be my guest. It would be greatly appreciated. Huge thanks to anyone who decides to embark upon this endeavor. *g*

request, heroes

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