Site Update

Apr 15, 2014 22:04

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Tomorrow by KC.

Once Upon a Time
An Interview With... by ralst.
Not With A Bang, Too Little, Too Late, And the Thunder Rolled and Heart in Hand by Geekgrrllurking.
Why by KC.

A little update to tied you over until the weekend when I shall be updating again. Whether or not that update turns into a big update depends on whether or not I get any more submissions between now and then. So fingers crossed!

The scarcity of story submissions is surpassed by that of video and graphic submissions, so don't forget to send those in too... finding femslash on the big archives is relatively easy nowadays but tracking down videos and wallpapers and icons is a little more tricky, so it would be nice to have them all in one place.

site update

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