OITNB Fic: In the Dark (Count Mistakes) (Alex/Piper, NC-17)

Oct 20, 2013 22:31

Title: In the Dark (Count Mistakes)
Author: endgirl
Fandom: Orange Is the New Black
Pairing: Alex/Piper
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~35,000
Summary: Piper grapples with who she is and what she has left-if anything-in the weeks following her breakdown. Alex/Piper, set after season one. Complete.
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to these characters or profit from this story in any way.
Notes: This story is posted off-site, but I feel sad about the general lack of OITNB fic on LJ :(

It’s just like before, only worse. Because this time when you let go of Alex-only to realize you’ve made another epic fucking mistake-there is no going back.

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orange is the new black

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