Crazier Part 6 (Orange Is the New Black) Piper/Alex

Jul 24, 2013 20:25

This Fandom )

Author: Femvamp

Show:  Orange Is The New Black

Pairing:  Piper/Alex (Some Piper/Larry)

Spoilers"   Takes Place after the season finale so make sure you watched the whole season.

Disclaimer:  I do not own the show but apparently the show owns me because I have a new OTP y'sll.

Piper walked out of the visiting room with a sense of freedom that was unexpected.  It was like a weight had been lifted off of her.  She had felt bad about how things ended with Larry.  She hadn’t lied to him, there was a part of her that would always love him she just wasn’t in love with him.  Thinking back Piper wasn’t sure she ever was.

He gave her the attention she needed when she needed it.  He made her feel special. He made her feel safe.   Larry would always drop everything when she called and be there to make her smile.  He was different from Alex in that way. Alex was selfish.  She was even occasionally cruel.  She was fire and she burned bright.  Sometimes too bright.  It scared Piper how much she burned and how much Piper burned when they were together.

“Did you see him?”  Alex sat on her bed reading one the books she got out of the library.


“How did it go?”

Piper sat down on her own bed not wanting to get too close to Alex.  Needing the distance to say what she wanted to say.  Needing Alex to understand.  “We had a long talk.  I told him that I was happy for him.”

“So is he going to marry this woman?”

Piper smiled, “It wouldn’t be right for him to wait another four or five years for me to get out, even if I wanted him to.”

“Do you want him to?”


“Why not?”

“Because I want you Alex.”  Piper paused, “I know I fuck it up at every opportunity but you are what I want.  You are what I have always wanted.”


“No, listen.”  Piper said simply, “It isn’t just because we are in here.  It's not just because you are here and he isn’t.  I want you because you are here.”  Piper pointed to her chest; to her heart   “and he isn’t.  You have always been here.“  Piper paused and then went over to Alex’s bed kneeling at her feet, “I want you because I want you.”

Piper was so focused on Alex that she hadn’t noticed they had gathered a crowd.  Several inmates include Big Boo, Nichols and Morello had gathered to watch the scene play out however Piper was too intent on finishing what she had started to let them derail her now.

“I will spend the rest of my time here proving that to you Alex.  I will spend the rest of my life proving it to you.  I only want you.”

Piper smiled at her and then began to stand up but as she got to her feet Alex pulled her back down and then whispered in her ear, “You break my heart again I will kill you.”

Piper smiled as she felt the heated breath of the woman she loved against her cheek.  That is when she also felt the hot tears.  This was prison where no one ever was allowed to see you cry so she turned her head and kissed Alex one her closed eyelids making sure that all the tears disappeared.

“Hey what’s going on here.  There is no gathering among the inmates.”  Mendez came walking down the hallway.

Everyone started to walk away but Piper could swear she heard a few murmurs as they went.  Piper pulled away from Alex not wanting either of them to get into trouble.  They would have more time to talk later.  When Mendez got to their cube he just glared at them and then shook his head but walked away.

“So must have been one hell of a talk you had with Larry.”  Alex said simply.

“It was.”    Piper smiled, “Seriously did you know my family has taken to hanging out with Suzanne’s family?”


“We have got to find her a new wife before they marry me off to her.”  Piper said exasperated,. “I mean you date one woman....”  Piper eye’s lit up as Alex laughed, “Maybe we should set her up with Nichols.”

“Did I hear my name?”  Nichols stood at the opening of the cube and looked on questioning as both Alex and Piper laughed uncontrollable.  “What?  What?”

Piper didn’t know why but for the first time she felt at peace.  Even standing in the middle of a prison with a long sentence ahead of her she was happy.  It made no sense.  It shouldn’t have been so but it was true.

She was happy.

“What I say?”  Nichols laughed too.

orange is the new black

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