Another Side of Faith (The Wicca that Won’ta Remix)
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Summary: Faith is many things. And Willow’s annoyed by them all.
#362 Malleable at
Taming the Muse
#072 Capering from
Table B (modified) at
Lover 100
#08 Together from
Table Five (Light) at
12 Stories.
Short, sweet, smart, surprised, and shiny at
Still Grrr. (The original story included them. This one does too.)
Written for the
Buffy Remix.
Rating: FRM (Mild): Mature Audience: Parents Cautioned.
Warnings: Language and mild naughtiness.
Word Count: 2,908.
Commas Brought to You By: Howard Russell.
Pairings: Buffy/Faith and Willow/Kennedy with grumpy, greedy, sneaky, wantsome, jealous peeks at Buffy/Willow and Faith/Willow.
Author’s Note: “Boredom is a mask frustration wears.” - Neal Stephenson.
Author’s Note (the Second): On a very literal level, my story is a shadow of the original. Go read it. It’s a great little story.
Original Story:
What We Got (Is Everything) by
DreamWidth •
AO3 •
A master list of my fiction can be found
here. Please do not archive or distribute without my permission.
Feedback: That’d be peachy.