Femslash February

Feb 02, 2013 23:21

Many of you might already know about Femslash February - I only discovered what it meant today - but in case you don't it's an attempt to celebrate femslash and the production of femslash all through the month of February. You can find the proper explanation HERE.

Being somewhat in favour of the spreading of femslash, I thought I'd give it a whirl, but rather than posting two femslash related items over the month I thought I'd challenge myself to post one a day (not including yesterday). They might be ficlets, drabbles, graphics, recommendations, video, meta or something completely different, so long as they're femslash.

So, I thought I'd challenge you to do the same. You don't have to aim for a femslash post a day, but set yourself a goal and go with it, then post your ventures here or on your journal or your tumblr account or twitter feed or wherever the cool people are posting stuff these days.

Make some femslash noise.


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