Fic: Women Beyond the Machine (1/?) Sarah/Jaime Bionic Woman

Feb 25, 2008 02:50

Fic:  Women Beyond the Machine (1/?)

Author:  Irishmystery

Universe:  Bionic Woman    Pairing:  Sarah Corvus/Jaime Sommers

Rating PG-13 for torture and violence

Disclaimers:  They belong to NBC and David Eick.  This is my first fic in this genre.  Feedback welcome.  If you would like to archive just ask.

Jaime Sommers blinked slowly as the harsh fluorescent light stung her eyes and the sterile white walls of a hospital room swam into view. She fought the sedation drugs clouding her system, slowly riding the waves of confusion. The room seemed familiar like it was from a dream or more likely a nightmare. She vaguely made out the outline of someone in hospital scrubs and mask. On the other side of glass surrounding the room several armed guards in black stood sentinel.

"It’s okay Jaime, we’re just running a few tests." Jaime turned her fuzzy gaze to the person next to her recognizing Jonas beneath the mask. Another figure was making adjustments to machines scattered around the room. She felt cold and weak.

"Jonas, where am I?," she asked, her voice coming out thick.

"You’re at Wolf Creek. We had to keep you sedated."

"What’s going on?," she tried. Her speech was cut off as Jonas nodded to the other figure who slowly injected something into Jaime’s I.V.

Jonas removed his mask, scratching the stubble on his face with one hand. "Let me know when you hack into her memories. I want to know everything Sarah Corvus has told her. We can’t have her compromised."

The other masked occupant nodded before turning back to the machines.

Jae Huang stood hidden in shadow watching the events on the other side of the glass. He kept his face blank but on the inside he was disgusted. He had watched Sarah go through unspeakable invasions in the name of science and for the gain of secret governmental agencies. When Sarah had gone rogue, a part of him had been relieved that she had escaped this. The idea of them hacking into Jaime’s brain against her will was unforgivable. The agency had not anticipated that Sarah might actually speak to Jaime beyond a barbed quip while they were fighting. Jae knew better. He knew that Sarah was struggling to hold onto the last shred of humanity left in her. He also knew that Jaime was the only other person who knew Sarah was more than a machine.

2 hours later

"Where is Sarah Corvus?"

Jaime fought to keep her eyes open as her interrogator leaned closer. She could smell his cheap aftershave that tried to mask the alcohol.

"I don’t know.," she said, weakly. The interrogator turned a dial on a machine and Jaime felt a searing heat flow through her thigh. She jumped and hissed at the waves of heat until they suddenly stopped.

"What does she want with you?"

"She’s in pain. She just wants to make someone hurt the way she does." Jaime struggled against the drugs and the threat of more pain. She didn’t want to tell them anything. Whatever else the woman had done to her she owed her that confidence. Her thoughts went blank except for the pain. The fire had spread to both legs now and Jaime couldn’t stop the groan that escaped.

Sarah Corvus languidly strolled across the rooftop of an apartment building. She liked to look up at the sky at night and pretend for a moment that things were different. That she wasn’t dying. That she wasn’t at the mercy of Anthros and had faith that he would come through for her.

She couldn’t be bothered with thoughts of who she had killed or why. The Sarah she used to be would have been concerned but that was another person from another life. There was a delicious relief that came with not having a conscience anymore and Sarah thrilled in the power it gave her to do anything. She came to a stop at the edge of the building. Something felt off and Sarah reached out with her senses trying to figure out what was unsettling her. The only sounds were the traffic below, a cat chasing a rat, someone in the apartment below watching cheap porn, and water running down a drainpipe. Nothing out of the ordinary yet the feeling lingered. Sarah closed her eyes and concentrated on the least comfortable of her senses: feeling. She felt a rush of pain like someone had jabbed a hot poker into her thigh. She blinked in surprise, grabbing for a stimulus that wasn’t there against her leg. Without realizing what she was doing she found herself heading for Jaime’s apartment building.

Crouching down across the street, she listened for Jaime inside the apartment. The lights were on but she didn’t hear Jaime anywhere in the building. She cocked her ear as she made out the sound like someone sobbing. Sarah was across the building onto the fire escape before she made a conscious decision to do so. She fluidly snuck around to Jaime’s window and into the apartment.

Jaime’s sister, Becca was sprawled onto Jaime’s bed. Her face was red and wet with tears as she turned her head towards Sarah and jumped in surprise.

"Sarah, what are you doing here? How?"

Sarah held up a hand. "Fire escape. What’s wrong?"

Becca ran to Sarah and threw her arms around her and sobbed. "Jaime hasn’t come home and I can’t reach her. Sarah, I’m so worried."

Sarah stiffened at the physical contact and focused on relaxing so as not to alarm the distraught girl. She still believed that Sarah was simply a neighbor in the building and probably had no memory of Sarah drugging her tea and the events afterward.

"How long has she been missing, Becca?"

"Two days. I tried calling the cops yesterday but they told me I had to wait 24 hours and then some strange lady came to the apartment saying that Jaime got tied up at work but Jaime wouldn’t do that to me. I know something is wrong."

Sarah felt the ghost of a feeling as she looked at the obvious love that Becca had in her eyes for her sister. Sarah used to know what that was like. Before she had killed her sister. Slowly but firmly she pushed the young girl away and gripped her face.

"Becca, I need you to pack up some things. It isn’t safe here for you and Jaime. I’m going to send you somewhere where you’ll be safe."

Becca tried not to flinch away from the intense hazel eyes regarding her. "But what about Jaime?"

Sarah’s eyes narrowed in thought. "I’ll handle Jaime. Right now I need to get you out of here." There was no doubt to Sarah that Ruth had been here and told Becca the cover story to avoid involving the cops. The question is what the hell are they doing with Jaime. She also knew that the apartment was most likely being watched from afar. She hadn’t detected anyone close by but she didn’t want to take any chances.

Sarah found a pen and paper lying on the kitchen counter and hurriedly scribbled a note before pulling a ring out of her pocket and placing it inside and folding it up inside of the note.

Becca rounded the corner with a backpack almost tripping in her haste. Sarah put a hand on her arm to steady her. She placed the note inside Becca’s hand and closed her fingers around it.

"Go to this address and give the note to the woman that lives there. She will keep you safe. Here’s money for the bus ride."

"What is going on? Why do I have to leave?," Becca asked.

Sarah resisted the urge to knock her out cold and take her herself. She didn’t have time for this.

"Becca, I need you to trust me. I’m the only one that can help Jaime. Now do as I say."

Becca didn’t dare defy the slightly maniacal glare that lingered under the surface of the beautiful face.

"Okay.," she said, her voice coming out impossibly soft. Sarah easily heard it and quickly took Becca to the fire escape out the window.

bionic woman

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