Title: Empire State of Mind - Chapter 13: Jackpot
Author: agentb81
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Brittany/Santana
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7300
Disclaimer: Glee is copyrighted and belongs to the creators and Fox. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Use of other personalities is not a reflection of their real lives and is completely fictional. Title taken from Jay-Z and Alicia Keys’ Empire State of Mind, this fiction does not use any other material from the song.
Summary: AU Two very different young women find themselves in the big city of New York about to embark on the biggest career moves of their lives.
Spoilers: None.
A/N: I hope this makes up for the previous short chapter and the hiatus prior to that, I love this chapter and hope you do too :)
Previous Chapters:
Prologue /
Chapter 1: Sweat and Tears /
Chapter 2: Hustle and Bustle /
Chapter 3: Will and Hope /
Chapter 4: Tiptoe /
Chapter 5: Entwined /
Chapter 6: New Beginning /
Chapter 7: Two Become One /
Chapter 8: Unholy Trinity /
Chapter 9: Stripped /
Chapter 10: Las Madres /
Chapter 11: Head. Ache. /
Chapter 12: Top of the Rock /
Chapter 12b: The Start(
Jackpot )