Absolute Zero
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Summary: How bad can a piece of fanfiction that’s based on a truly terrible pun be?
#312: Catch-as-Catch-Can at
manthk’s request at
The Awesome Ladies Ficathon and Art-a-thon 2012: Set during the high school years.
Willow fantasizes about Cordelia and is conflicted about it.
Rating: FRT: Mature Themes: Parental Supervision Suggested.
Word Count: 759.
Commas Brought to You By: Howard Russell.
Character: Willow.
Episode: #017: Reptile Boy.
Pairing: Anything that’s there is expressed as unabashed attraction.
DreamWidth •
AO3 •
FanFiction.Net •
A master list of my fiction can be found
here. Please do not archive or distribute without my permission.
Feedback: That’d be peachy.