Fic: To Sleep, Perchance to Dream - Bionic Woman

Jul 04, 2012 16:36

Title:  To Sleep, Perchance to Dream
Author: Geekgrrllurking
Disclaimer: Bionic Woman and its characters are the property of NBC. No infringement intended.
Fandom: Bionic Woman
Pairing: Jaime/Ruth
Rating: NC-17
Words: 1975
Beta: Unbeta’d because I’m a rebel that way *sshhh, don’t tell AJ, or she will hunt me down and make me use commas. Oh the inhumanity!*
Archiving: ShatterStorm Productions, otherwise just ask
A/N: I think Shatterpath originally prompted me with ‘Do bionics dream of electric sheep’ back in the early days of writing this fandom. This is what finally shook itself out. Written for the Femslash Advent Calendar: Dog Days of Summer 2012. Thanks for all your hard work on the calendar again this year girls.

She fascinates you...

bionic woman

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