Still need an 'Allo 'Allo tag please! meanwhile "Happy Ever After"

Apr 15, 2012 16:21

Title: Happy ever after.
Fandom: ‘Allo ‘Allo.
Pairing: Yvette/Helga.
Warnings/Spoilers: None.
Summary: Written for the bingo!challenge on passion_perfect. This is my response to the prompt ‘Laughter’.
Rating: PG-13

Helga’s not sure when she last fell for someone as hard as she has for Yvette. There’s something so incredibly warm about the way Yvette smiles at her, and it’s not the usual fearful smile of someone dreading a natzi invasion, it’s an honest smile and a gentle touch. She feels almost like she could live on just smiles and laughter if it meant she had Yvette.

She’s not used to laughter. It’s almost forbidden where she comes from and yet she can’t help but give in to laughter when Yvette tickles her playfully. She has become used to sneaking back to the café after closing time to be with Yvette, alone. She and Yvette have always been able to laugh together, even now Yvette’s laughter almost feels like a balm to her hurting soul.

The smile on Yvette’s face when she answers the door to Helga is sweet. She smiles and takes Helga’s hand, pulling her inside quickly, soon embracing the woman in her arms, her laughter soft at the look on Helga’s face.

“Relax sweetheart, your safe.”

Normally laughter would cause her to lash out, but there’s something incredibly tender about Yvette’s laugh, she isn’t teasing or being mean, she’s laughing because Helga’s so sweet. She can’t help but be a little touched by it, there’s something nice about how much love is in Yvette’s smile and laugh.

Soon enough Yvette pulls her closer, kissing her gently before leading her away, up the stairs. So many people would be shocked to know that she and Yvette had a relationship, and yet, somehow, it felt completely right.

fan fic, allo allo, fic

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