'Allo 'Allo, Alone

Apr 15, 2012 10:52

Title: Not Alone Anymore.
Fandom: ‘Allo ‘Allo
Pairing: Helga/OFC (Helga/Gisela)
Warnings/Spoilers: No warnings/no spoilers.
Summary: This was written for passion_perfect’s bingo!challenge. This is my fill for the prompt ‘Alone’.
Rating: PG-13.

A lone woman walking through Nouvion was not an unusual sight. The fact that this woman was a former natzi officer was a little more unusual. People had slowly grown used to the presence of the few ex-natzis who had been able to be turned into good citizens for the town, they were still a little unsure of them, but they didn’t wish them any harm.

Helga Geerhart, a young and surprisingly shy woman, had been a private for the natzi army. She had been young, somewhat impressionable and entirely unimpressed by the loss of her first real chance of romance. She had been shy as they handed themselves over to the allies, seemingly sure that she had lost her last chance at love, at even being alive.

She had since been wandering the streets, alone and unable to handle being that alone. People had been watching her walk, leaving her alone and not bothering to ask how she was. Her friends, what few she’d had, had ended up going back home to Germany, leaving her without anyone else to turn to. She and Rene had fallen out lately, Rene’s wife had left him, he had been chasing Yvette around, despite the fact that Yvette had absolutely no interest in him anymore.

She had been attempting to make connections, either with the former Communist Resistance or the former DeGaulle Resistance, although neither had been particularly keen to see her or take her in.

The one person who had taken pity on her was another former natzi, one who had been a little more accepted by the people of the town. Gisela was a tall, thin girl wirh lovely brown eyes and dark brown hair. She fit in with the others in the town where Helga still stuck out like a sore thumb, all the same Gisela wasn’t perfect, she had also been alone for a long time, although once people had learnt of how she’d been hurt by her own people they had been a lot more accepted.

Helga had found comfort in Gisela’s company. The woman was shaky, true, but she was also kind and warm and funny. She had a definate affectionate streak to her and when Helga had appeared one night, alone and shaking, she had taken Helga in, her touch gentle on Helga’s back, supportive and caring, nothing else.

The two had kissed, once, softly, then again, still gently. Gisela had pulled back after a few minutes, her voice gentle.

“You don’t have to be alone anymore.”

fan fic, allo allo, fic

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