Title: The Princess and the Bandit (Part 4 of ?)
Author: serene_ms_s
Fandom: Star Trek Voyager
Pairing: 7/B’Elanna (others mentioned/suggested)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or settings of the Star Trek universe that is much richer people. However, any original characters are mine but I am not precious about them. This is written for my entertainment and hopefully the pleasure of anyone reading it, no fee charged. No copyright infringement intended.
Authors Notes 1: This fiction was inspired by the challenge set on Ralst.com, SFC12, Fandom: Voyager, Pairing: B'Elanna/Seven, Criteria: Seven comes across Tal Celes' bodice ripper novel in Astrometrics and while reading it a certain Chief Engineer takes the place of the tall, dark leading man. Length: Any, Challenger: Ghrdr. Hope this is meeting the criteria.