Title: The Day Indeed Came
Pairing: Jane/Maura
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This has all been purely for fun. I don't own them; don't know what I'd do with 'em if I did.
Notes: Funny to think how this all started. But here we are at the end, and I sincerely hope you've all had as much fun as I have. This is the final chapter in this universe, but I hope to get some feedback from everyone with regards to the next adventure. Some have already put in their requests. ;) I've got a solid idea for something new, and it will be long and satisfying in that way that long pieces are. But, I'm curious if there are any scenes, missing scenes, ep add-ons, or whatever you'd like to see. One-shot type deals. I'd like to lob a few one-shots of different scenarios out there before I jump headlong into another encyclopedia-length business. I dunno, I'm open to suggestions.
Also! Ugh. This piece. This is what's being played in the opening scene, in my mind's eye at least. It's beautiful, and although this youtube clip cuts it short, I just had to include it because the DUCKS are hysterical and completely unrelated. Cracks me up.
Satie - Gymnopedie No. 1 Previous Chapters... NEW!! The Day Indeed Came (NC-17)