resources? awesome idea. i know of one particularlly great site for grammar and geared toward femslash (with a bent toward xena/voyager but can be applied to any) and that's The Blue Quill.
Thanks for the link, I'll check that out later. As for the graphics resources I was thinking more along the lines of tutorials and such, but I'm not a graphics person, so if there are other things of use they could be added too.
Another vote for badfic and with promises of badness too *g*
heh. a while back, i had a discussion with some friends about cliches that had grown rampant in certain styles of uberfic. the Anti-Uber Uber Xena series was born of that. it's on my site, if you want to read it :)
i believe there are other fanfic inspired grammar pages out there too.
as far as graphic resources, do you mean vidcap sites, or sites for such things as tutorials, brushes, etc?
and having a badfic section would be fun... sort of a good example of what not to do... and i have a few stories i can contribute... :)
Another vote for badfic and with promises of badness too *g*
if this is what your idea of "badfic" is, i'll be happy to send it and the sequel (and maybe the unpublished one too) to you :)
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