Title: Language Immersion Program
Pairing: Jane/Maura
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't make any money off of this. In fact, quite the opposite. I waste many hours I could be EARNING ACTUAL MONEY writing this. So, it's all good. Nobody sue me.
Notes: Pffffffft, who says installments should have a clear beginning, middle, and end? And a plot? What?! I've thrown all the rules out for this chapter, because frankly I just couldn't settle on where to break this, or what to cut or... anything. So, if you hate it, I apologize. It's not exactly a shining piece of art. But it's free, and there's sex in it. So... there.
A Little ColdFair Ball The Penny and the Feather (NC-17)Winter's WelcomeAwkward PosesTwo Steps Forward, Three Steps BackChaosWith a Little Help From My FriendsHoly MotherStrange New Holiday Traditions (NC-17)Jane Gets a Shovel, and a Clue Waffles (NC-17) Things You Never Knew You Wanted (NC-17) Another Day at the Office NEW!! Language Immersion Program (NC-17)