Title: Things You Never Knew You Wanted
Pairing: Jane/Maura
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Do not own. Just like to play with. No monies. How sad.
Notes: This one flew off the tongue quite rapidly. Have had a very busy weekend so I apologize for posting this without my usual rigorous editing standards. I think it should be okay though. Thanks for the TREMENDOUS amount of feedback you've all left. I can't say enough-- it's been my great fortune to write for you guys. Seriously. Hugs n junk.
A Little ColdFair Ball The Penny and the Feather (NC-17)Winter's WelcomeAwkward PosesTwo Steps Forward, Three Steps BackChaosWith a Little Help From My FriendsHoly MotherStrange New Holiday Traditions (NC-17)Jane Gets a Shovel, and a Clue Waffles (NC-17) NEW!! Things You Never Knew You Wanted (NC-17)