Title:Time will tell (title shamelessly stolen from episode!)
Author: Carly Carter
Fandom: Warehouse 13
Characters: Myka & HG Wells
Rating: PG thus far.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything
Summary: Myka doesn't know whose side she is on anymore. She doesn't know who she is anymore. She doesn't know what she wants.
*Diverges from canon after 'For the team.'
AN: Complete and utter time wasting, Myka's musings about HG Wells.
Chapter 1 --->carlyisnot.livejournal.com/36547.html
Chapter 2 --->carlyisnot.livejournal.com/39343.html
Chapter 3 & 4 ---> carlyisnot.livejournal.com/41915.html
Chapter 5 --->