Title: Light of a Clear Blue Mourning
Fandom: One Life To Live
Pairing: Tea/Blair
Word Count: 2,290
Rating: PG
Summary: It started simply. As simply as such things do anyway.
Disclaimer: I do not own One Lift to Live. That is all.
A/N 1: I just started watching OLTL again, and this idea was inspired by a specific scene that made my subtext monitor go beep. Like all of my stories, this title is borrowed from a song. This one is from Allison Moorer’s version of “Light of a Clear Blue Morning.”
A/N 2: For anyone hoping for a sequel to “Blind Situation,” it’ll be up soon-ish. I just had to get this out first.
I didn’t want help, but the singular truth of my life is that no one had ever offered, so I learned to do without. It was always me against the world and I loved a fight more than anyone I knew...