Never Again (TNG, Beverly/Deanna, R)

May 22, 2010 12:26

(Crossposted times a billion, because Trek fandom seems really spread out on LJ and I've collected a lot of comms over the years; sorry if I'm hitting you like a spread of photon torpedoes.)

Cleaning out a folder of almost-finished fics on my computer, I came across this baby. Changed a sentence or two, and for better or worse, it's now no longer languishing in solitude on my hard drive.

Never Again
Author: CrashCart9 (CrashCart9[at]Yahoo[dot]com)
Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Pairing: Beverly Crusher/Deanna Troi, implied Picard/Crusher and Riker/Troi
Date written: February 8, 2007 (mostly)
Set: During ST: Nemesis, post-wedding and pre-everything going down.
Rating: R
Summary: “You kissed her husband at the reception. You couldn’t bring yourself to kiss her."

Trek fandom needs more femslash like Romulan Ale should be illegal.

(Also, I don't know if this comm is still feeding to, but I'd love it archived there as well if you'll have me! Furthermore, tagged this with both the TNG and Star Trek tags, as I'm not sure which is your primary--let me know if I should be using one or the other.)

st:tng, star trek

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