Stupid Girls Chapter 4

Apr 09, 2010 12:05

 Title: Stupid Girls
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: JJ/Emily
Spoilers: None really. I have to admit that this is a new obsession for me so some of the more recent info may be incorrect. Lets just say it takes place somewhere in late season 4 or early season 5 with my own creative license of course!
Rating: PG-13
Chapter: 4/?
Summary: For two exceptionally smart FBI profilers, Emily and JJ can be extremely stupid when it comes to knowing their own hearts. Drama-rama and angst begins for our girls.
Author's Notes: Thank you all soooo much for all of the feedback, it definitely inspires me to keep going, even though I should be doing 2000 other things ☺ I’ve brought in one of my favorite canon lesbos of all time to help me out advancing this plot, don’t hate her too much just yet. Enjoy!

JJ stands in an almost empty bar bathroom, just her and Emily. Her blue eyes scan Emily’s face trying to see if she could possibly be kidding, then starts to back away from the dark haired beauty as if she’s been stung. “Oh.” JJ blinks twice then shakes her head trying to snap herself back into reality. “Oh. Of course you’re seeing someone.” JJ lets out a small insincere laugh and turns away from Emily. She walks across the bathroom, crossing her arms in front of her, hugging herself for comfort. Emily reaches out a hand after her but then realizes what she is doing and drops it.

“Jen, I-“ Emily starts but is quickly cut off.

“Oh, God please don’t Emily. I already feel stupid enough.” The look in JJ’s eyes is pleading and it nearly breaks Emily who stays silent.

“Just forget this ever happened. It’s a stupid crush. I’m sure it’s just the Portland case. The kids and the…It made me reach out for whomever I thought might be able to comfort me. It’s probably not you at all.”

Emily’s taken aback, the hurt apparent in her eyes. “Is that really how you feel?”

JJ looks up at Emily from the spot she’d been staring at on the floor. “Can’t we pretend that it is?”

Emily walks over to JJ, reaching out for her once again. “I don’t think I can.”

The women find themselves drawn to each other once again. Lips, tongues and hands desperately searching and fighting for every centimeter of contact. JJ dips her head to trail her kisses down Emily’s jaw to her neck and Emily can’t help but surrender herself to the amazing feeling of the woman she has so long desired. Her head falls back as JJ’s tongue dips into the hollow of her neck while her hands roam aggressively over the brunette’s strong back and narrowed waist. Without thinking Emily whispers, “God Jen, I never want this to end.”

She feels the blonde still her movements and opens her eyes. JJ’s lips are still at her throat in a very vulnerable position, both literally and figuratively, but she doesn’t move. The mood has shifted and Emily tilts JJ’s head with her hands so the women are looking into each other’s eyes. “What’s wrong sweetie?”

JJ straightens, and looking into Emily’s deep brown eyes she breaks. “I…I can’t do this.” Inches apart and Emily can feel the distance between them stretching out by the second. “What happens after this Emily? After the bathroom at some bar?”

Emily blinks, her mouth hanging open but feels herself unable to form a response for several seconds. It was enough time for JJ to get her answer.

Breaking their contact JJ turns to the wall hugging herself yet again. It’s a poor substitute for Emily’s arms but it’s the only comfort she can allow herself right now. Trying not to tear up she delivers her next sentence to the wall. “Go home to her Emily. This isn’t a good idea. You have her and I have…” She turns to face Emily again and lies, “I have Will.” She gives a small nod as if to cement the point. Emily just furrows her brow, and then drops her eyes. JJ takes that as her surrender to the truth and walks out of the bathroom, away from Emily.

Walking back into the noisy bar, JJ feels like she’s walking through a foggy haze. The difference between the intimacy of the bathroom and the hustle of the pub is so great it almost catches her breathe. Reaching the team she inhales deeply trying to stabilize herself.

Morgan spots her first. “Hey, Hey girl. What’s up? I’ve been waiting on that dance.”

JJ tries to muster a smile and gives him an apologetic look. “Yeah I’m going to have to take a rain check Derek.” JJ feels Emily join her side before she sees her. “I’m really going to head home guys. I just…” She glances at the team, noticing Garcia’s confused face, and gives a very quick look towards Emily. “I feel sick.”

After silently watching JJ say her goodbyes to the team, Emily sees her walk out of the bar and into the night. She felt her absence immediately.

Emily enters her condo and within 20 seconds she can tell that her girlfriend is there. She wasn’t expecting her necessarily but they had exchanged keys a few months ago and when Emily was in town it had become their routine to cohabitate. Tonight was the first night that Emily can remember resenting the company. Kicking off her boots, and hanging her jacket next to the leather coat she recognizes as her own, but knows she hasn’t worn recently, Emily takes a deep breathe and tries to still her racing mind. Bypassing the brief case and case files she knows are not hers, she heads to the fridge and pulls out a beer. Twisting off the cap, she takes a long pull and readies herself to head up to bed.

Trying not to disturb the woman in her bed, Emily removes her jeans, socks, shirt, and bra silently, deciding to sleep in just her tank top and panties so she doesn’t have to search for pajamas. She glances over at the tangled mass of blond curls splayed across her pillow and feels a twinge of guilt mixed with affection. Standing in front of her open closet, Emily finds herself staring, considering the woman she had invited to share her home.

No one could deny that Kim Legaspi is a beautiful woman both physically and mentally. A psychiatrist at Georgetown Medical center, on paper the women complimented each other perfectly. Both professionally accomplished, both beautiful, both understated in their own ways. Their relationship had been… comfortable. It was the only way Emily can think to describe it. Their sex life was good, their friendship was strong, their ultimate goals complimented each others, but it was never like… JJ. When Kim had come to her two weeks ago, upset that the town house she was renting in Alexandria had been sold and that she had just over a month to move out, Emily had thought nothing of inviting her to move in. Taken a back Kim had agreed on a purely temporary basis. A rial run of sorts. It wasn’t romantic by any means but both being practical women, the arrangement seemed to make the most sense. But after tonight, Emily’s head is spinning with the idea of working all day with JJ and coming home at night to Kim. Emily stares at her for another minute then takes another drink of her beer before quietly climbing into her bed. When Kim stirs she silently curses at herself.

Kim rolled over in bed and threw an arm sleepily over Emily’s lap. Opening her blue eyes slowly, Kim gives a closed smile that is half obstructed by the pillow. Voice still husky with sleep she gives a soft moan. “Hey you.”

Emily tenses a little at the fingers lazily drawing patterns on her thigh. She looks at Kim and gives a forced smile. “Hey.”

Fully awake, Kim lifts herself onto one beautifully toned arm. “Beer to bed huh? Portland must have been rough.” Kim has abandoned her stroking of Emily’s thigh and pushes Emily’s dark hair behind one ear. Emily shuts her eyes and lets her head relax into the touch.

Why does something this easy have to be so hard?

Emily feels herself being pulled down to Kim’s side of the bed. Kim throws half of her body over Emily’s in the comfortable position they had come to know. But when Kim tucks her head into the crook of Emily’s neck, placing light kisses on the skin she finds there, Emily has to shut her eyes against the flood of memories about another blonde whose lips had been on her neck mere hours before.

criminal minds

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