Tittle: The Joys of Motherhood - Baby
Author: storm_8
Fandom: Women's Murder Club
Pairing: Lindsay/Cindy
Raiting: PG
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Ha! Obviously I don't own any of these characters except the original one's...
A/N: Not betaed, so all mistakes are mine.
Because I'm currently ill to the point of having to stay in bed, in a vain attempt of not thinking about my splitting headache, I figured a bit of writing would help ease the pain. The pain is still there and it only gets worse when I think I have to make up 6 hours of labs next week, but the fic is also written. There may be more as well, albeit painkiller induced....
Anyway, a little short fic with the ladies!
Let me know whether you like it, think it's weird, think it could be better... You know... Comment!!
Lindsay was pacing.