Venice: "Speaking Without Words" 3/3

Jan 11, 2010 14:34

Title: "Speaking Without Words" 3/3
Author: Chrissie aka itsalovestory
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Gina/Ani from Venice the series
Spoilers: None
Summary: Gina runs into Ani at The Grille and one thing leads to another.
A/N: This takes place before the first episode. POV alternates. Here's the final part. Enjoy! :D

A/N2: Sorry for the long time it took me to update this.


"Gina, let me love you now." The words flow from Ani's sweet lips to my ears, wrapping firmly around my heart. I hesitate for only a moment. Does she realize what she's asking of me? Of us? I'm not sure. But, then I look into the smoky depths of her chocolate eyes. And, I find peace. I nod my head and smile at her as she pulls me up from the floor next to her. Ani repositions us on the bed with me on her lap. Instantly, I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her into a kiss. My legs wrap around her waist and pull her into me, wet and needy.

She moans into my mouth, "God, you're so fucking wet for me." She breathes heavily as she kisses me all over my face- lips, cheeks, chin, nose, eyelids, and ears. They all receive her loving attention.

Suddenly, she flicks her tongue out over my earlobe, tracing the contours. She dips inside and then whispers, "Oh Gina."

I need to hear everything.

Her fingers wander down my skin, tickling and teasing the soft hair between my legs.

I need to feel everything.

She plunges into me firmly.

I gasp, "Oh Ani."


"Gina, let me love you now."  The words fly from my mouth before I even have a minute to consider what I've asked of her. Their meaning is layered. I want to make love to her, with her. I want to make her go so high and come apart in my arms, safe with me. I want her to surrender control to me, to us, to our love. I want her. I need her. I love her.

And, I know her. She's hesitating. Gina's afraid, so very afraid. But, she loves me, too. I know it. She looks into my eyes, so I pour every bit of comfort and desire and love into her jade eyes. She relaxes and seems to find peace, at least for the moment. She nods her head at me and shoots me a crooked grin as I bring her body, her heart to me on the bed. I lean back and set her upon my lap. Instantly, I wrap my arms around her waist and am pulled into a kiss. Her legs wrap around my own waist, pulling me into her, where she waits for me, wet and needy. Oh god. The feel of her nearly undoes me. It's too much. It's not enough.

I can't hold back and I moan, "God, you're so fucking wet for me." I'm almost panting as I kiss her all over her sweet face- lips, cheeks, chin, nose, eyelids, and ears. No place goes unloved, unattended.

Quickly, I flick my tongue over her delicious earlobe, following the path of her ear. I dip it inside her, wet and warm.

I have to tell her everything.

I whisper, "Oh Gina." I move my fingers lazily down her warm skin, finally coming to tease and tickle the soft curls I find between her legs.

I have to give her everything.

I plunge into her firmly.

She gasps, "Oh Ani."


Before long, we're speaking without words. Every moan and groan says 'I need you.' Every tender touch says 'I want you.' Every kiss over every part of our bodies says 'I love you.'

I love you.

We look into each other's eyes. The love found there is so deep and long and full. It takes my breath away. An entire conversation, an entire lifetime, an eternity passes in a moment.

I'm sorry.

I wish things could be different.

Let's try again.

We could. We can't. We will. We won't. We love. We hate.

We love.

She slides. She rocks. She leads. She follows. She holds. She's held. She feels. She feels.

Can we?




Please, oh please.

We move together, harder, faster, deeper. We move together, until it's no longer you or me, just us. Just us. And, then....


And, then I come apart in Ani's arms. My hips meet her thrusting fingers one last time. I moan in pleasure, tightening around her so deep inside me. I bury my face in her neck and cry out her name. I shudder and tremble against her body, riding out the waves of my release. She strokes my hair and holds me close to her, murmuring, "It's okay, I love you. You're safe."

Oh Ani.

Finally, we collapse against my bed, our skin slick with the efforts of our bodies, our hearts. Ani pulls me up into her arms once again and hold me close to her body, her heart. I look up into her eyes and then smile. She smiles, too, her dimples deep. I lean up and kiss her softly on the lips. I settle into her. Dreamily, I whisper to her before drifting off to sleep, "I love you, too."


And, then Gina finally releases everything in my arms. Her hips meet my fierce thrusting once more. She moans as her body clamps around my fingers so deep inside her. She muffles her cries into my neck, screaming my name. She shudders and trembles against me, allowing every second of pleasure to wash over her. I grab her close to me and hold her, putting her back together piece by piece. I stroke her hair comfortingly, murmuring, "It's okay, I love you. You're safe." I try to reassure her.

Oh Gina.

After a long moment, we collapse against her ruffled sheets. Our skin is salty and smooth and damp with the release of our bodies, our hearts. I pull Gina up into my arms again and hold her close to me, to my heart. I can't ever let her go. Her beautiful eyes look up into mine and she softly smiles. I can't resist and so I smile as well. She leans up to me and kisses me tenderly. She settles against me. My eyes flutter shut. Before I go to sleep, the words my heart longs to hear are uttered by her. She whispers into the night, "I love you, too."


I look over her shoulders at the clock on her dresser. The red light taunts me, blinking 1:45 am at me. Only a few more hours of this, of her, and then we must part ways for the last time. That's what I say every time, but somehow there always seems to be another time for us.

My thoughts wander.

I wish we were in another time. Or another place. Maybe we should get out of the big city and move to some small town in the Midwest somewhere, with a wholesome, all-American name like Springfield or Oakdale. Names that flow off your tongue like barley and wheat and corn. I like corn. I like her even more. I shiver from want. I shiver, because it's fucking cold in her room now.

I rise from the bed and her slowly, and make my way to the end of the bed. I find my underwear in the pile of our discarded clothing, our discarded love. Quickly, I pull them on. I make my way over to her dresser and take out one of her tank tops and throw it on over my only remaining article of clothing from the night before, my bra. I bring the collar of it to my nose and inhale deeply. smells like her.

I smile and turn around to make my way back to the bed, to her. I stop suddenly as the vision before me leaves me in breathless awe. There lies Gina spread out over the sheets in a portrait of a goddess. The moonlight filters through the shear white curtains and highlights her stunning features.  Her slightly parted pink lips. Her high eyebrows. Her tightly closed eyes. So at peace, finally.

I follow the moonbeams from her face to her hair which is fanned across the pillowcase, rivers of auburn flowing to the sea of sheets. Again, I am brought to the loveliness of her face and just watch her sleep in beauty. My eyes trace the paths across her jaw and neck over every piece of gorgeous skin. Miles and miles of it stretch out across her mountains, valleys, and plains. I want to travel over every square inch of her. I want to touch her. On top and over. Down and around. Even inside. Especially inside her. The urge is so great that I ease closer to where she rests.

But, I cannot take the risk of breaking the spell.

So, I do the next best thing. I walk over to my purse and reach inside. I pull out my camera. After making a few adjustments, I snap a photo, a memory of her and this precious moment captured forever for my eyes and my heart. She stirs and turns over. I hold my breath, hoping my stolen glance has not awoken her. But, alas, she slumbers soundly.

I chuckle. That is so like her.

Finally warmed and satisfied, I return my camera and then my body to their proper resting spots. I curl up into her arms and sigh as I once again drift off to dream of sandy shores and passionate kisses in her arms.


I open my eyes slowly and see the time on the alarm clock. Damnit! It's already 6 am. The rising sun is beginning to stream in through the shear curtains and those damn seagulls are calling out, too. Ugh. I hate mornings, especially early ones. Why can't everything just stay hidden away in the night forever? It's so much simpler that way. The chill in the air does nothing to help my bladder. Gotta go pee. NOW. I climb out of my bed and rush into the bathroom.

When I return, I see her.

Asleep. Peaceful. In my bed, in my heart. Like she's never belonged anywhere else.

She put back on her panties and one of my tank tops, the smell of me all over her body, all over her heart. She's probably dreaming of me, of us. I know, because I dream of her, of us, too. I've missed her, this. The easy banter, the flirting, the feel of her lips, the look in her eyes when she comes under the touch of my hands. I swell with pride for a moment. I've still got it, even after all this time, even after what happened before...between us.

What happened before. I was such an ass. I'm still such an ass. Guilt consumes me. I want to love her. God knows, Owen knows, and hell, she knows I want to. But, I don't know if I can. Can I be what she needs? What she deserves?

Pfft. Relationships. I'm a great date. I'm a lousy girlfriend. I can kiss you breathless and fuck you senseless. But, love? That's hard. That takes time and patience and commitment. And, I just don't do commitment. I'm no good at it. But, sex?

I look at her again and smile. Sex with Ani, exciting, pleasurable, amazing, consuming, fulfilling, and definitely memorable. Oh yeah.

A breeze bellows gently through the room. Fuck! It's cold in here. I see her burrow further into the sheets. And, I realize I'm much too bare now. Completely naked. No, this won't do. At all. I toss on some pink panties and a tank top of my own. Much better.

But, I'm still cold.

So, I crawl back into bed with her. She immediately wraps her arms around me again, pulling me tight against her body, against her heart. I lie there, half asleep and half alive. After awhile, she stirs. I turn in her arms. She's awake.

Her eyes. So expressive. They tell me everything she thinks, everything she doesn't say, everything she feels. Right now, I see love, joy, and desire. Definitely, desire. She wants me. Bad.

Suddenly, she smiles wickedly and crushes our mouths together. delicious like the sweetest candy I've ever had. Oh God. That tongue of hers should be illegal in all 50 states. So deadly. Slips and slides into me. I suck on it and rake my teeth against it. She moans into my mouth. I swallow it up, taking it into me. I think she wants to swallow me whole.

She rolls on top of me, forcing herself between my legs. Ever so slightly, she begins to rock her hips into me. Shit! The friction is so good. Our panties, our bodies melting together from the heat we're creating. Then, she begins to nip and lick my neck, trailing that talented tongue up to my ear. She whispers,  "I'm gonna take you."

And, then she does.

Immediately, she shoves her hand and her nimble fingers inside my panties, inside my body, and inside my heart.

My head lolls back, my eyes roll back. I can only grunt and pant like a fucking bitch in heat.  I'm so wet. I'm so turned on. I'm so ready...for her. Always for her. I'm bucking to her fucking. And, then like a tidal wave, I'm crashing to her thrashing. I finally come down. And, she's there to catch me. Like always.

I begin to kiss her again. I need to kiss her again. I need her to feel everything she makes me feel, everything I can't say, everything I can't be...for her.

We kiss for a few minutes, lost in the passion of our bodies, our souls. I kiss her neck, and I can feel her smile against my cheek as she says sweetly, "Good morning." Good morning indeed.


venice, fic

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