Title: Love the One You’re With
Disclaimer: Defying Gravity and its characters are the property of ABC, BBC, Fox Television Studios, Omni Film Productions, CTV and Space (have I missed anyone?). For entertainment purposes only, no infringement intended.
Fandom: Defying Gravity
Pairing: Jen/Zoe
Rating: G
Words: 682
A/N: Written for Ralst’s August Challenge - Explore a new fandom. Not just a new to me fandom, it’s a new show called Defying Gravity. Jen Crane is played by Christina Cox (Nora from Nikki and Nora) and Zoe Barnes is played by Laura Harris (Jill on WMC), stuck in cold dark space together for six years. They’re calling it Greys Anatomy in space. Well, we’ll see. In the meantime let the subtext begin!
Love The One You're With