IDF Fic: Fall From Grace - Bionic Woman

Jul 18, 2009 02:13

Title: Fall From Grace - Chapter 3: Lead Us Not Into Temptation
Disclaimer: Bionic Woman and its characters are the property of NBC. No infringement intended.

Fandom: Bionic Woman

Synopsis: Can true love survive an epic fall from grace?

Rating: NC-17

Words: 4423

Beta: Thank you to Ms_Josephine for having your heart, hand and mind in the mix.

A/N: The first two chapters were originally written for the Epic Proportions Challenge 2009 on Passion Perfection. The third chapter was written for the International Day of Femslash 2009. Also thank you to Shatterpath for allowing me to reference events in her story House Call: Extended Version

Previous Chapters:

Chapter 1 - Forgive Us Our Trespasses One / Two

Chapter 2 - What A Tangled Web We Weave One / Two / Three

Chapter 3 - Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Part One

Part Two

idf, bionic woman

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