Title: A Study in Curiosity and Satisfaction
Author: Juri
Fandom/Pairing: Guiding Light, Blis
Rating: NC-17 (is that M? Frickin' A, there is sex and naughty language okay!?)
Spoilers: Uh, just... no, I don't think so... maybe if you don't actually watch the show?
Summary: Blake is curious and Doris is at the right place at the right time.
Disclaimer: Not mine, even though I offered my comic book collection as a trade...
AN: This diverges from the cannon before last week I think. None of that Franken*edited for spoilers* or BBQ shenanigans. This takes place in the "Hero Myth" Universe, so, while this is going on, so is that. Enjoy! Part 3 of 3.
AN2: Thanks and dedication goes out to
wonkots42 for beta-ing this wackiness, and being an awesome friend. She is total fried gold. Love ya! Any remaining mistakes are mine. Also, comments are, indeed, love...
Part One /
Part Two*~*~*~*
Part Three