Title - If You Want Me With You, Just Ask
Fandom - Guiding Light
Pairing - Natalia/Olivia
Spoilers and/or Warnings - No spoilers. Based off of the last three minutes of the 2/16/09 clip.
Summary - Natalia goes home. One-shot
Rating - PG
My life is changing and I can't stop it.
Of course, if Natalia had those powers, she wouldn't even be standing here.
Not in this way, not with a tray of sandwiches in her hands and her mind miles away.
If she could have stopped the world from shifting, than Nicky would be alive.
And they would be married. And her guilt about stealing him would fade.
And Rafe would be home, safe and sound.
But where would Olivia be?
Out there, six feet under hard ground, bones and nothing more - that is where Olivia would be. Natalia wouldn't know a thing about Emma and where the little girl would end up.
She wouldn't know to miss those matching mother-daughter grins.
She wouldn't remember the indefinable rush along her skin when Olivia said her name.
I can't stop my life from changing, but I can try and save what I have. I can try and hold tight to what I need.
And Natalia leaves the hospital, leaves the Coopers to deal with their own tragedy.
Because Nicky's heart won't be silent, pounding its way to her ears and tugging her home again. Home to that farm at the edge of town, home to Olivia Spencer, Olivia Spencer - alive and well.
And Natalia feels it settle in her body, that ache and that want. It rests along her ribs and is sighed out of her lips when Olivia opens her arms.
If you want me with you... just ask...
And Natalia realizes that she means that in more ways than one.