Title: Everybody's Got a Cousin in Miami - Part 2 of 2
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU/Karen Sisco crossover
Pairing: Alex/Olivia & Karen/Marley
Rating: R
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. No infringement intended and no profit will be made from their use.
Spoilers: SVU: Ghost, none from KS
Summary: A sequel to Missing Scenes from Ghost...
Author's Note: This will make more sense if you have read my previous fic "Missing Scenes from Ghost". I loved Karen Sisco when it was on the air and it just seemed like a good fit for the ladies of these two shows to meet. It's probably a little far-fetched when it comes to the real Witness Protection Program, but go with me on this.
Author's Note 2: Title borrowed from Jimmy Buffett - no infringement intended there either.
Link to Part 1... Part 2...