Title - Quicksilver
Fandom - Guiding Light
Pairing - Natalia/Olivia
Warnings and/or Spoilers - No spoilers, unless you consider 10/21/08 a spoiler of old-times.
Summary - Natalia tries to avoid the inevitable. One-shot
Rating - PG
'You get my jokes.'
'I don't find you funny.' )
Comments 17
"And me..." Natalia says out loud, from her lips to God's ears.]
Yeah that was kinda a telling slip of the tongue for Natalia wasn't it? Why would you beg someone to live 'for you' if you didn't care for them on a very personal level? And oh! Having "Is There A Doctor In The House" Xena episode flashbacks!
Man, TV lesbians have GOT TO find a better way to date...
[And I don't, you know... You joke about everything, from the way you treat everyone to your own failing heart.]
It's called 'gallows humor' and it isn't for everyone but I know that you so do find her funny Natalia, because you laugh. You always laugh, and smile, and pretend that you're her conjoined twin!
Another superb Fic-Lite from the Queen of Drabbles! I love these early scenes, there's so much material to dissect!
Thanks so much for the lovely comment! It's good to be the queen ;)
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