Weak in the Knees; chapter forty-two

Apr 13, 2009 04:38

Title: Weak in the Knees

Author: Dhamphir

Fandom: X-Files

Pairing: Scully/OFC

Rating: NC-17

Please see previous posts for disclaimer/summary/notes. Undying thanks to Celievamp for the beta. And a special thanks to bara_brith and yellowsmurf6 - you know why. :)

Chapter Forty-Two

prologue| ch 1| ch 2| ch 3| ch 4| ch 5| ch 6| ch 7| ch 8| ch 9
ch 10| ch 11| ch 12| ch 13| ch 14| ch 15| ch 16| ch 17| ch 18| ch 19
ch 20| ch 21| ch 22| ch 23| ch 24| ch 25| ch 26| ch 27| ch 28| ch 29
ch 30| ch 31| ch 32| ch 33| ch 34| ch 35| ch 36| ch 37| ch 38| ch 39
ch 40| ch 41

x-files, fic

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