Lots of caps and yap, this episode was so worthy
Wow, THE 100TH episode was great, I had my doubts and thank god they all flew out of the window, I knew this show had it in them. I love Dean more then ever, but he had me pissed off quite a few times with all that damn cockiness, this was not the time to be a stubborn ass. Jensen is really a brilliant actor, he brings this character to life truly, I cant understand why the box office is not knocking on his door.
First a fangirl moment :p ok now on to my thoughts
I was hoping when the light and noise came it was to eliminate Zach not negotiate with the bastard.
Too funny when Sam found Dean, the look on his face was priceless, but why was he surprised? they are hunters right?
What does the letter say and to who? then the care package for Bobby, was Dean actually planning to give in?
WTF Dean being rude to Bobby, he has been like a father to him and he is family show some respect!!! I totally agree with Sam disapproval look to Dean and he knew what he said was so wrong, Bobby had to give him a wake up call as to why he is sticking around because of a promise to him. I had no idea how all of this has affected Bobby, I am always thinking about the boys but Bobby did show signs of weakness when he kept the boys at bay to kick it with his dead wife.
Hmmm... Cas is on to something, I was at full attention when he ended up in some forest, he held his own against the angels attack on him but I still wonder and confused how he was lead there?
so what did Cas pull from the ground, none other then Adam the lost Winchester, I did not see that coming, nice twist, that was pretty hilarious looking with the dirt on Adams face.
Adam pissed me off being an ass to Dean and Sam, they did not know he existed, Sam tries to reason with Adam and school him on this whole demon/angels thing but Adam was not hearing it wrapped up in his own world believing what he had been told. Yet another family member not trusting blood over myths, Adam really needs to get that fucking chip off his shoulders, trashing John and giving attitude to Sam its not helping anything and the boys had nothing to do with how his life took a wrong turn.
Geez Adam was blinded by the promise of seeing his mom again, which annoyed the hell out of me by just going along and hanging on Zach every word, can he really be that gullible? give him some burgers and false dreams, thats all it took for him to turn on the only family he has left?
Dean in the chamber or whatever room, tricking Cas and sending him away was seriously straight from the movie Point Of No Return, I knew Dean was gonna ambush him as soon as Cas entered the room because the same thing happened in the movie. Not a good move, that totally pissed Castiel off, Wow Cas is no punk bitch, he kicked Dean ass and I cant be mad at him because that was a stupid move on Deans part, no one likes to feel betrayed. It was kinda hot seeing Cas all fired up :p Dean should have opened up a can of whoop ass on Sam for his betrayal, both Dean and Sam had their own reasons for going against what they believe but the demon skrewing was just way out there. Noticed how neither Bobby or Sam flinched when Cas brought Dean in all beaten? they asked what happened Cas said he happened and no one gave it a second thought as if they was on board with the ass kicking, anything to keep Dean from saying yes to Michael but was it really necessary to chain Dean down like a dog? well he is hot in cuffs :p
oh man that sucked ass when Cas totally lost faith in Dean, he basically called Dean a failure. That was genius for Cas to carve the spell on his chest to get rid of the angels and clearing the way for Dean and Sam to get to Adam.
After Cas clears the way for the boys, Dean goes in to get Adam but of course the Zachster was waiting to make his move. I really wish assholes would stop using Dean's brothers against him, the one thing Dean would never sacrifice.
I was on the edge of my couch wondering what Dean was gonna do to save his brothers, he had me worried he was gonna give in when Zach was hurting Sam and Adam, family has always been Dean weakness. I exhaled when I saw Dean give Sam the lil wink, I realized Dean is not the one being played he has something up his sleeve and tadaaaaaaa!! bye bye Zach :D
Dont fuck with Dean's family, you will lose!!! Dean is smart turning the tables on Zach no one gets away with pushing Dean around, and all of this happened at a warehouse in the Valley of Cali lol.
WTH was up with Dean eyes? it was a reflection right? me dont like but ah such a relief that asshole Zach is gone!!
grab the bros and lets go, oop Adam got trapped again, now he wants Dean's help? oh well three is a crowd there is only room for 2 Winchesters.
I agree with the boyz, skrew destiny, handle the bizness at the end of the day, they truly only have each other to rely on, that co-dependency thing is reality for them.
Not sure about next week, just hope its not a comedy it appears that way, I will be so disappointed after getting such a great episode to revert back to the silly stuff.
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