My Halloween weekend was so fun, but boy was it crowded, great night, great weather, great people, lots of solicitors and loads of drag, its the biggest night for them, just overall fun, there was live entertainment and very interesting costumes. I saw Ricki Lake and Latoya Jackson, they were there for production reasons, there were more celebs about but not big ones. It was so crowded to the point you could barely walk, me and my sister turned up the dance at various DJ booths getting people to join in the electric slide, too funny for those that did not know how to do it but was trying very hard to learn throwing us off and all.
I got so wasted, we crashed clubs and got free drinks, then later at my sis drinked some more. oh man the food stands set up there was just gawd, so delicious and they packed your plate full, everything on the menu was well worth the money, I did not trust the unlicensed vendors that popped up for a buck with no sanitation at all, got lots of free stuff from businesses trying to promote themselves.
photos under the cut can be clicked for bigger
Ricki Lake Crowned New Queen of the 22nd Annual West Hollywood Costume Carnival
La Toya Jackson Served Milkshakes on Halloween 10/31/09 at Millions of Milkshakes To Raise Funds for Aids Project LA, I did not manage to get a milkshake thru the crowd, my sisters was not having it, they kept tugging me saying the hell with La Toya lets go lol, its for charity dammit.
lots more La Toya photos in the links below.
arrival inside millions of milkshakes Several live entertainment stages of fun and live music
It was very crowded
Familes, there was lots of pets in costume around too
freakish and fun costumes
The Birds, love this movie
cute costumes
hells yeah The Watchmen
strange costumes
Funny costumes
Britney I think cant be Octomom not enough babies
Gods gift to women
Jon, Kate plus eight
and of course the drag queens, Santa Monica Blvd is gay central