*Yawns* I could hardly stay awake for "The Curious Case of Dean Winchester" I was hoping for something more scary going into the halloween weekend instead I got a snoozefest, only enjoyed a few lines here and there.
I found this ep very boring, the Old!Dean and Bobby on wheels bugged me, I have nothing against handicap or old folks, it will be me one of these days but geez Bobby in the wheelchair and Dean a senior citizen was depressing and just plain dull, the elevator being out is discrimination against old people and the handicap. The old guy was not even cute, was James Brolin not available? there are some handsome older men out there *coughJDMcough*
Loved the Obama reference "change you can believe in" :D......and the line "stay classy" my gal pals use this phrase a lot. LMFAO Bobby calling old Dean "John McCain" EK taking a lot of political stabs lately. The end results Sam saves the day, another obvious attempt at the need for Sam to go behind his bro back to be more independent by making his own decisions, whateva...., initially it brought Dean back to normal and the manwitch sidechick gave it all up. Eh....nothing worth repeating here, love hearing Bobby using the word idjit again and totally hope too see him out to the wheelchair soon.
James Brolin, well ok he is a bit older now then this pic
but I always felt he was handsome and would have made a hot old Dean.