Nov 18, 2005 12:36
Harry Potter. YAY.
You know, I wanted this film to be good in a way. I had so many issues with the last ones, and actually increasingly with the books, but I wanted it to be good. And I wasn't disappointed! To be fair, I did wonder whether I was partly enjoying the random fun of the cinema at midnight, but it really was fun. And actually really scary in places. The TriWizard bit was actually scary, and I spent a lot of it hiding behind my hand waiting for things to happen. And the end, the end was freaky also. *nods* it was good. And the humour was really well done as well.
This isn't a well written entry, partly because bed didn't happen til 4am.
Anyway, it was also full of total hotties! Way too excited by that! Cedric Diggory, best cheekbones and eyelashes; David Tennant of Casanova hottness- absolutely awesome... the list continues. Not feeling Karan's Lucius Malfoy crush myself, but...
My only real issue apart from the slight Disneyness of the whole stories/school/everything, was the acting of the main characters. Not Ron, he was pretty good- but as ever, Harry and Hermione are terribly earnest and terrible dreadful. And they all have too much hair. Ron and Harry are both SO hairy, and I'm not feeling it AT all. Oh, and Hermione really needed to pluck her eyebrows. SO, SO, SO much. Gave me red mist throughout the film.
For sheer comedy value, the best line of the film had to be: "Don't get your wand in a twist". Considering the spoof that still cracks me up, where passages of HP have had the word 'wand' replaced with the word 'wang', draw your own conclusions....
tee hee