Jan 01, 2012 22:27

I have read over the comments from the discussion post and decided to officially put this to a vote now. Please, everyone, make a vote.


I am using ticky boxes because of the 'no preference / neutral' vote. I would like to see how many people are neutral to this decision, but if you do feel like you have a preference one way or another please vote for the site you would prefer as well as neutral. Neutral will serve as a 'I go with the game' sort of vote. So if you have a preference, but in the end would stay with the game regardless then you can vote for both.

I have also added an option for need more time to decide. If you feel you are not ready to decide, then please check that box and we can always return to this at a later date in time.

Please only vote with your game journal. If you do, however, vote with a separate, off-game journal please comment and tell us who you are.

If a move is decided on we will not be moving immediately. There will be time to get set-up and acclimated there yourselves, and we'll transition likely within the next two weeks before I return to school. Though that is not definite either.


Thank you everyone for being so kind and patient and easy to talk with/work with during this time and I hope we can reach a decision that satisfies everyone! You can leave your questions/comments/concerns below if you feel the need to.


sam, !mod

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