What’s this…what’s this…

Dec 26, 2011 18:49

…it's seems like new meat in this game…why yes it is…

God, I suck at making intro's, this just kind of proves it, welp, hello to everyone my name is Arwen and after seeing this game, as well as kind of being cutely enabled, I finally decided to go ahead and app. So for your entertainment I will be bringing Rinoa Heartilly from the Final Fantasy VIII game, because we can never have enough FF people, she is coming right after defeating Ultimecia but before they all go taking a stroll on the time compression dimension thing to go back.

What you need to know of her? Ah well she is cute and friendly and has very strong magic…there is info in her journal about her. So I shall be making an intro once, lol there is acceptance to the comms and when my brain stops being mush due to the aftermath of the Christmas weekend.

To contact me, well either PM this account or add me over at plurk@spiderbaby, but let me know when you do.


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