Announcement & October Theme Voting

Sep 23, 2011 14:18

Announcements: If you haven't yet, please join the new comm, passinconscious! It's for first person, journal type comment threads based on the premise of a sort of dream-state telepathy. Basically, character thoughts are broadcast while they dream or daydream; tuning out in waking life tunes in to the dream world.

Now on to the theme voting poll! We have several new ones this time. Please only vote once; the winner will our theme for the next month. Voting ends September 30. Themes are culled for consistent lack of votes, and as always, more themes can be suggested here to be included starting next month. Participation in themes is entirely optional.


Underwater: A city under the Sea. Perhaps it's Atlantis, perhaps not. What's definitely certain is that characters involved in this are effectively mer-people for the duration.

Road Trip: You're going on a road trip with a few people. Decide who, where you're going, who's driving, and how you're going to cope with being cooped up together.

Let's Play - A Gamer's Dream: You are in a console game, a Street Fighter clone or a side-scroller. Team up, collect items, beat monsters.

Telepathy: Characters are all telepaths suddenly. Moreover, they can be bonded into pairs, with all the hokey hallmarks of telepathic pair bonding. (Mutual co-dependence, strong empathy, etc.)

Music In Me: Everyone starts breaking out into song and dance, apparently for no reason at all. Problem is, the songs also reveal what the singer truly feels, so if she was trying to hide something, this event will now proceed to reveal it, through the usage of song and dance numbers.

Flip the Chessboard: Characters are now the opposite of what they usually are. Lawful Evil becomes Chaotic Good, male becomes female, slouch becomes hard worker, hero becomes villain. The choice of what kind of trait(s) is/are flipped is up to the mun, of course.

Family Portrait: Looks like your bromance is about to become a little more literal. Characters will find themselves related to those around them for the rest of the month.

Wreck that Fairy Tale: It's a typical fairytale dream, all right--but with a twist of your own! Think Cinderella's a bit too cliched for your tastes? No worries, now you're the savvy Cinderella, ready to break out of your stepmother and stepsisters' ever-demanding attitude. Wished Sleeping Beauty was just a little bit more action-packed? Oh, look, Prince Charming's packing heat and blasting his way through the vines. Wondered what would've happened had Jack and the Beanstalk been gender-flipped? Wonder no more, now you're Jill, who's climbing up the beanstalk in search of something she lost. So much for your childhood stories, huh?

The Butler Did It: "Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Better keep that in mind while solving this strange new mystery! Note: It doesn't have to be a murder mystery, per se, but so long as the answer isn't immediately obvious, you're free to do it!

Through Another's Eyes: They are you. Whether the two characters switch places, or this simply allows the dreamer to encounter another form of their subconscious self, it allows the character to see himself or herself through another's eyes. It can be played for laughs (parody) or played straight for self-realization.

Have You Ever...?: Try something new, from sky-diving to a home business to something as simple as a haircut. Let us know how it goes! Drag friends and fellow dreamers along on your new venture.

Unluckiest: Everything you try goes wrong. You trip over your own feet. You're late for that crucial meeting and might lose your job. This is, of course, after you narrowly missed getting hit by a car and ended up getting fresh paint all over your new shirt. Go nuts.

Career Day: Something's given you the urge to try a new career! It isn't necessarily one you're suited for; in fact, it's probably the opposite. Better practice and try hard to get ready for it, or do your best on-t!activity check,he-job. Great opportunity for the straight-laced businessman to run off and join the circus!

Soundtrack: Theme music, sound effects, a laugh track, applause; all of it follows you around relentlessly, whether it's appropriate for your situation or not.

Jurassic Park: Just as it sounds: dreaming of dinosaurs, whether running from a T-rex or helping that sick stegosaurus.
Poll October Theme Voting

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