Announcements, announcements, announcements!

Sep 11, 2011 00:20

With time comes some transformations and additions-such as the fine looking details noted here for you today! Notes have been sent out to this prior, in regards to new details on comms and AC-but there is much more to be said. Please bear with my tl;dr, as I go through these for you all.

The first announcement to make is in regards to the results on Mod applications. We’re very delighted to add Bitte and Leah to the team. Both of these lovely ladies have been with OPN since practically the get go, and are more than approachable in regards to questions or concerns that you may have. With our moderator team updated to such a large number, we will be doing a lot of clean up over the next few weeks to get this place looking sparkling and new!

We would also like to say good bye to Kim and Angie. Angie helped found this game back in March and helped get it started and we are forever thankful to her for the help she's given. Kim stepped in when we needed her and provided the aid we needed then and we are sorry to see her go. But we thank the both of them for their help and wish them luck in the future!

Perhaps the biggest thing is the addition of a new comm- passinconscious.

The community is still being fully created and will be open for posting on Monday the 12th!

'Pass in Conscious' refers to how the community applies to our dream-themed game. It is a muses moment of passing consciousness. Think of it like that daydream-like state you find yourself in when you're sitting in a boring lecture in class or out laying around at the park. The dream world that brought you onepassingnight has decided to connect everyone for more than just that time while asleep. When your muse isn't focused on the real world, they're tied in to everyone in the game and can hear the thoughts they want to hear from each other (so your character doesn't automatically hear everyone's posts in their mind). And when your muse snaps out of this state, the connection is lost and sometimes they might wonder if it was ever really there or not?

This will allow 'communicator-like' posts between everyone. It will lead to faster tagging and better-formed cr and can even lead to some more dreams on onepassingnight. I encourage users to take full advantage of passinconscious and for everyone to explore the limits (or lack thereof) of dreams!

If you have any questions, please comment below! Otherwise, characters are allowed to begin joining the community today but again hold off on posting until Monday.

-Secondly is changes to AC and app processes. As of the AC to take place early October, players will be required to post a link to their log or comments in requirement of passing the check.

This change is not to disadvantage the players. It is to provide more interest in the OOC comm, as well as make the AC less of a scramble. This information has been sent out to you all by PM to ensure that you’ve received it, but it doesn’t hurt to further consolidate the reasoning for the change.

-Furthermore, apps will now be processed on Saturdays and Sundays. This is to provide us with a time slot so to make app processing more routine for the mods themselves, to cut back on the waiting time that has been seen prior.

-Players will be allowed to place their own tags in the log and chat comms.Whilst we'll check and organize these tags to ensure they remain squeaky clean, players can then add their tags at will, meaning they don't need to wait for us to do so. Please be sure to work with the 'character [V#]' tag theme and use the character's full name and the [V#] you were accepted with into the tag.

-A mid monthly mod theme will join the monthly player chosen theme.There has been talk for some time in regards to placing in an actual plot for the game. It’s been considered that with OPN being so relaxed, inputting a large plot would change it far too much right off the bat. Keep in mind that remaining up to date with the OOC comm will be of greater importance, with AC and the separate monthly and mid-monthly theme!

Further plans for a full game plot may be questioned in further detail in a few months time, but this will be discussed with you all before any plotting is placed on hand.

- Theme suggestions will be encouraged more often within mod posts.The player theme suggestions have always been a wonderful part of the game, and with their continuation comes a need for further player suggestions! Please take the time to think of ideas that you’d love to have played out-and make a suggestion!

And that would be all so far! Again, thank you so much for joining us. Your views on these changes and any further suggestions are more than welcome, so comment here with just that! From Kim, Sam and myself I'd like to thank you all again for the amazing amount of patience that's been provided to us from all of you-- it means more than we can say.


!theme voting, !mod, !themes, !activity check, !theme info, a ton of announcements

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