
Feb 17, 2011 12:50

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Mallorie 'Mal' Cobb | Reserve | 1/??? lockedinaprison March 1 2011, 05:00:02 UTC
Your name: Sam
Your journal: rides_thebeast
Contact: MidnightLullabii - AIM/Plurk
Other characters played at Passing: n/a

Character name: Mallorie ‘Mal’ Cobb
Character fandom: Inception
Version: V1
Canon point: post-movie
Importing development from old game? Noooooooope
Background: Mal Wikia / Inception Wiki

Changes from canon, if AU: N/A


Mallorie 'Mal' Cobb | Reserve | 2/??? lockedinaprison March 1 2011, 05:01:15 UTC
“What was she like in real life…?” “… She was lovely.”

Mal is such a complicated, complex, and simply divine woman that it’s really hard to give her just one trait. Lovely is a term that encompasses so much of Mal, but leaves so much of her unknown ( ... )


Mallorie 'Mal' Cobb | Reserve | 3/4 lockedinaprison March 1 2011, 05:02:04 UTC
As it applies to dreams specifically: She can create the world within the dream to be as realistic as she wants. She’s very adept at creating worlds within dreams and is only limited by her own imagination. She can use this to create dream labyrinths to trap people in if she wants to. Or create anything else she might want. This is all from studying to be an architect in the real world and dream training with her father and Dom. She’s very skilled at using and manipulating dreams.

Writing sample:
Salt water lapped at the young woman’s feet as she stared out across the horizon. The horizon of the world she created. So that the sun set on it’s beauty every day and rose again every morning to reveal nothing but the perfection that Mal and Dom had so desired ( ... )


Mallorie 'Mal' Cobb | Reserve | 4/4 lockedinaprison March 1 2011, 05:02:32 UTC
Voice sample:
threads I’ve started

"I used to create worlds..." - 7/19/2010

posted: mal
involved: eames (likesbigdreams), hiedi
occurrence: mal gets shot in the face (eames), mal discusses how she knows dom loves her (heidi)
"He shot me in the face!" - 7/19/2010
posted: mal
involved: eames (stillbadspeller), ariadne (thenewarchitect), eames (likesbigdreams)
occurrence: eames tries to rationalize with mal (likesbigdreams), mal thoroughly shakes the foundation of ariadne's reality (ariadne), eames actually talks to mal like she's a person (stillbadspeller)
  "Who enjoys being told they're unreal?" - 7/21/2010

posted: mal
involved: blanc, casey, ariadne (thenewarchitect)
occurrence: mal makes a new friend (blanc), mal tells casey the difference between observing and experiencing (casey), discussion on real, unreal, threats, and dom (ariadne)

threads I’ve responded to

"This isn't a dream, right guys?" - 7/16/2010
posted: ariadne
involved: ariadne, dominic
occurence: Mal and Ariadne debate her reality (ariadne). Mal tries to convince Dom his reality ( ... )


guiltapalooza March 1 2011, 05:00:08 UTC
Your name: Vivi
Your journal: vivider
Contact: AIM: a wild vivi, Plurk: vivider.
Other characters played at Passing: Minato Arisato [V2].

Character name: Willow Rosenberg
Character fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Version: 1
Canon point: The summer between seasons 5 and 6.
Importing development from old game? N.
Background: Her page in the Buffy Wikia.

Changes from canon, if AU: None yet. (Dun dun dun...)


guiltapalooza March 1 2011, 05:00:35 UTC
Personality: Despite the enormity of her presence in Buffy, Willow actually is not all that complicated of a character. She is almost painfully well-meaning, though she often causes a lot of chaos and messes up despite her intentions. She starts the series very shy and nerdy, but throughout the course of the series she gains a good measure of confidence - her days of hiding behind headstones on patrol are long over. As a seasoned and powerful witch, as well as someone who's both experienced and caused a lot of pain, Willow can be particularly unflinching in the face of danger, especially when someone she cares about needs help ( ... )


guiltapalooza March 1 2011, 05:00:53 UTC
Magic is something Willow sees as making her unique, special, and loved. It's important to remember the root of her character, and indeed of most Buffy characters: parental neglect. Willow grew to replace that need for parental approval with need for approval from her friends, but in her selfish, impulsive way, she wants to set the terms for what they'll approve of. It hit her unbelievably hard when she realized what she'd done wrong, and that the support of her friends was conditional on what they decided, not what she wanted it to be. Magic wasn't a fix-all, and she really could mess up irreparably. Telling Giles that he was jealous of her power, heady after her success of resurrecting Buffy, was the first sign of her denial that anything that made her happy could be wrong.

But, at the same time, these kinds of flaws are common in people her age. They just don't usually have the power to change someone's memory or end the world.

Abilities: She's a witch, which means she pretty much does whatever the plot needs her to at the moment ( ... )


guiltapalooza March 1 2011, 05:01:09 UTC
Writing sample: [This was originally written for a lastvoyages app, and uses its setting.]

Willow was scared, scared of so many things, and the lack of Earth on the Barge made her feel so very nervous besides. Usually she could feel it, focus on it when things got wacky - like when certain coven members looked at her like she was a kind of bug that would destroy the world if they didn't squish it right away. She felt that way about herself a lot, so she knew where they were coming from.

Maybe it hadn't been a good idea to come here, but going back to Sunnydale seemed like an even worse one. Willow hadn't exactly finished her rehabilitation course; the irony of her coming here instead wasn't lost on her. Not lost at all. It was on purpose. If she did go evil again, the other wardens would smack her down to inmate, and she'd deserve it.

She just missed Tara so much. And going back, seeing the place where she'd been killed, where they'd been happy together, where she'd tortured someone... It was all too hard to contemplate. Not to mention Xander ( ... )


Mizuno Ami/Dark Mercury [PGSM Sailormoon] 1/? catchingspirit March 1 2011, 05:00:34 UTC
Your name: Leah
Your journal: catchingspirit
Contact: AIM: catchingspirit (prefer LJ PMs though)
Other characters played at Passing: none

Character name: Mizuno Ami/Dark Mercury
Character fandom: PGSM Sailormoon (live-action series)
Version: V2+
Canon point: deviates from canon during episode 25 once Dark Mercury is hit by the light of the ginzuishou
Importing development from old game? Yes; econtra_rpg and moonlocket

[PGSM Wiki]
[PGSM Episode Summaries]


Re: Mizuno Ami/Dark Mercury [PGSM Sailormoon] 2/? catchingspirit March 1 2011, 05:01:19 UTC
Changes from canon, if AU:When Dark Mercury was hit by the light of the ginzuishou, she was not transported back to the Dark Kingdom with Kunzite, but to a world called Econtra, where she was trapped with others and forced to fight a war against that world's enemies. She became closer to her Dark Kingdom allies, distanced from her former friends, and learned the shocking truths of her original world while still corrupted instead of while pure: the princess, Sailor Moon, had been the one to destroy the planet in the past, and would do it again. With her grudge now seeming to be justified, Mercury also learned that if the princess did not bring the new tragedy, Metalia - relied on by the Dark Kingdom for their power - would. She broke from both ( ... )


Re: Mizuno Ami/Dark Mercury [PGSM Sailormoon] 3/? catchingspirit March 1 2011, 05:01:39 UTC
[After this, derived from anime/manga with changes according to what happened earlier.]The Death Busters still came, drawn by the rich planet Earth they wanted to make their own. The shitennou, Mercury, and the Outer Senshi have dirtied themselves with the deaths of daimon victims unable to be separated from the monsters taking over their bodies (without Sailor Moon's purifying powers). The Goddess of Death, Saturn, was destroyed by Uranus before she could awaken. There was no one to ask the Outer Senshi to spare her, here. The remaining inner senshi surrendered with their mission in shambles, though Venus fought to the end before succumbing to her illness exacerbated by the stress of battle ( ... )


Re: Mizuno Ami/Dark Mercury [PGSM Sailormoon] 4/? catchingspirit March 1 2011, 05:02:45 UTC
Personality:Mizuno Ami was a quiet and reserved bookworm, a compassionate girl who was nonetheless lonely. She treated others with fairness and was so self-effacing that she was once accused of using it to make others look bad by comparison to her; her attempt to avoid offending went far enough to offend. She was close to her mother and a dutiful daughter ( ... )


Buffy Summers | Buffy: the Vampire Slayer | 1/3 slayerpreferred March 1 2011, 05:01:17 UTC
Your name: Ca
Your journal: sesemperamabo
Contact: AIM: n0tJesus ; Plurk: menaceonkeys ; email:
Other characters played at Passing: N/A

Character name: Buffy Summers
Character fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Version: V1
Canon Point: just after 5x22 (I will be playing her as dead/living in the dream world.)
Note: If we get a Willow and/or Xander, or if Anya/other canonmate(s) feels so compelled they can bring her back as in S6.
Importing development from old game? N/A

Changes from canon, if AU: N/A


Buffy Summers | Buffy: the Vampire Slayer | 2/3 slayerpreferred March 1 2011, 05:02:26 UTC
Personality: Buffy usually plays the part of everything-is-fine girl. She puts a great deal of effort into being strong for her sister, mother and friends. At her canon point, her mother is dead and this only becomes more true. She completely shuts down after Joyce's death and cuts herself off from all emotion in order to take on the responsibilities of a de facto mother and her destiny as The Slayer. Her usual happy-go-lucky self is replaced by an automated voice messaging system and Dawn becomes fiercely angry with her, saying "she doesn't even care." Being only a teenaged girl herself, Buffy doesn't know how she fits into this adult-but-not-quite-adult role and struggles with it often. As mature and strong as she can be, she heavily relies on Giles and the guidance of her friends. She often claims the Scoobies to be the reason she's one of the longest (re-)living Slayers ( ... )


Buffy Summers | Buffy: the Vampire Slayer | 3/3 slayerpreferred March 1 2011, 05:03:18 UTC
Writing sample: Buffy's clothes were torn, her lip split open. The sky was gray, clouds hanging low over the bleak landscape. She didn't know where she was, but it was of no concern to her feet. They went without provocation, carrying her beyond the streets and the houses and any civilization at all until she was alone, and it was very dark ( ... )


ACCEPTED passingmod March 1 2011, 05:59:23 UTC
You've been accepted! Welcome. :)

Please join the comms and comment to the taken page. Our activity requirements are 20 comments each month for each character.

Do that, introduce yourself, and start playing!


sylar | heroes (bnw) intuitivelyapt March 1 2011, 05:02:30 UTC
Your name: Ruthi
Your journal: saria
Contact: pandabuckets @ AIM, ruthnor @ plurk
Other characters played at Passing: n/a

Character name: Sylar
Character fandom: Heroes
Version: V2
Importing development from old game? Yes, AUing from bravenewworldrp
Background: here.

Changes from canon, if AU: BNW is basically a crossover between the worlds of Heroes and Supernatural, but because of it's setting in sixwordstories for most of its duration, other characters came in too and it became more or less a panfandom game.


intuitivelyapt March 1 2011, 05:04:50 UTC
Sylar's (brief-ish) BNW history ( ... )


intuitivelyapt March 1 2011, 05:06:40 UTC
+ Claire (autophoenix) is a crazy bitch and basically manipulates Sylar into cutting her head open again to see if he can fix her inability to feel pain. He can't. He's also broken forever and downward spirals into being a crazy serial killer again ( ... )


intuitivelyapt March 1 2011, 05:08:03 UTC
Personality:Sylar is, in so many words, a giant brat. He's self-entitled, self-absorbed, and unable to see past the end of his own nose as far as other people's problems go. He's an unstable, crazy fuck. A lot of it is the result of his upbringing, and to a degree his ability. He can go from being eerily calm to cheerfully mocking his enemies to throwing a full-blown temper tantrum in the course of five minutes. His temper often gets the best of him-- he'll drop whatever scheme he's plotting to throw a giant hissy fit if he feels he's being thwarted or if his plans aren't going exactly how he wants them. This sort of impairs his ability to be a good actor. He can sustain a role, but the second there's a snag, he drops it. No matter what he does, he seems to face things around him with a dry, sarcastic sense of humor-- unless it happens to be one of the days he's angsting and waxing philosophical ( ... )


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