I've logged into my Photobucket accounts a few hours ago and the layouts are looking fine now. I'm very sorry for the downtime ^^;;; If you want to make sure that there won't be any future inconveniences you should save the pictures to your own account, now it should work fine for a while though.
Well, I was looking for a good reason to write a new entry, I guess this is it... ^^
So, months ago I was working on a new layout but then I started to work on time consuming projects (for a living) and since I was already programming and designing a lot for work I stopped designing layouts during my free time. I'm not sure when I'll be able to finish the layout that I started but I'm definitely starting to miss creating LJ layouts and sharing them on the internet ^^.
I have to add that I also lost some interest in Livejournal. The reason why I created an account in the first place was because of tv fandoms (the Veronica Mars fandom in particular) and since the writers strike I gradually lost interest in tv shows and tv fandoms. I don't know what it is with the new network shows but I'm not obsessed with any of them at the moment (I'm still hoping that a show will fill the void left by Veronica Mars, but it's not happening.) Anyway, I needed to replace tv shows with something else and this something else is *music*. If anyone's interested
you'll find me here, on LastFM. ^^
I'm sorry for not answering most of the technical questions that some of you asked during these past few months. Since I need to get myself into it again, whenever I have the time I'll answer the questions that you may ask (starting from today), only if the answer isn't already in the F.A.Q. of course. It'll help me keep in touch with Livejournal. ^^
Thanks for reading and thanks for continuing to use my layouts and for showing appreciation for my work. I'll keep you informed. Happy holidays everyone!