Jun 09, 2005 14:10
gawlee gee wilickers!!!
its been so busy for me lately, even doing nothing feels like something...i cant even type at my own calm pace i feel pushed on to go faster.well its about time im done with my period i went yesturday to apply for flannigans as a hostess i really want that job!!it be easy and stoner-my old dealer when i was in 9th gr works there he still remembers me=)awes!!and i saw eggbert,chris,steffy and JENA!!!they took me with them to fountains aw<3and i invited jena over for pizza and friday which is tomm. thank gawd i have money we will be going to see mr. and mrs smith with angelina jolie=)squee!i hung out with ray a lil.bit he got sick and dissapeared for a while.lol.i got high again, i think everyday ive been getting high and not even realizing it i love my stoner buddies i never have money to throw down and never have cigs, well there more stingy with the cig but its good that ray gives me a cig after sex thats when i need it the most=)
me:its ok ray will share one.
ray: no gigi, have a full one to yourself i need one full one to myself.lol.
apparently im tight,real tight.i was like naw its cuz you the third guy that had a good size penis that ive had the pleasure of fucking.i think hes the biggest my ex was big i felt it but ray i can feel knots turning in my stomach i was grabbing on the board of the bed and my fingers went numb i felt my face flush and ears tingle.lol.oops, i wonder if ray were to ever read this would he laugh or get mad for having me speak this out loud.but really noone is gonna read this but jena.cause were freinds now!!yay!and its not like im not gonna tell her.im suppose to be doing "acid" this weekend but its not acid how it used to be i want 25 dollars so i can get shrooms.i wish my parents were druggies,no nvm cuz then all the money would go to there habit and no support for mine unless theyll share...why am i thinking this its not going to happen..anyhow,i have a sore throat.since the day i rolled me, katie,brandon,and tina all have sore throats so i suspect liz~butterfly~ because i think she mention it i didnt make out with her i made out with katie and katie made out with liz.gawd dammit.i dont want a job school starts aug.8 and really i want time for freinds.apparently they want to hang out with me!awwww:)blushes*they say they love me and noone can stay mad at me=)those are the people that make life happy not giving you compliments but being there for you, or smoking you out(lol jk)just loving you and you loving them in return,total happiness.ok i sound like a big hippi nvm. aw ray mom likes me she told me rays never been so happy=)he gave me hikies by my coler bone and he bit it and it looks sorta yellow its healing though and i was trying on a tank top my dumbass mom sees it and ask what happen i said some black girl pushed me cause she thought i was looking at her man to much.she believed it.lol.when am i gonna stop lying!!!!....i know:when im 18!and have my own place, god damn skippy i will.im taking my dog,wait shit,how is that gonna work.dammit lassie you need to get smaller!!!i talked to my cousin this is gonna sound weird but hey shes hot,and she looks better in short hair then i do.but i dont care i like it better short then long.ray even likes it how it looks after sex.i wanna fuck now.lol.im not a nimpho...well yeh mincy another dealer of mine scary fairys freind wanted to be freinds with benefits and he tryed to buck me for acid charging me 15 when hes charging kacy ten and this guy 12 and katie 13.-.-grrrrrr.penis sucking head!!!-.-i still dont know what my tatoo will be but i want it soon!=(why is it rainy, and humid and too hot!!fucking florida, fuck you were gonna die!!i wanna see the hot girls in the bikinis-.-grrrrr
anxious for more summer lovin.